Resolute allows users to define a set of claim functions and associate them with an AADL model. You can use these claim functions to represent the requirements to be satisfied, the verification actions used to verify them, and assumptions made by a verification action in order to produce a valid result. You will express the requirements as predicates on subrequirements and verification actions. Verification actions invoke Boolean computational functions to represent predicates to be evaluated and general computational functions to compute values to be compared in predicates. The computational function notation has its roots in Lute and REAL. You can organize claim functions into a hierarchy where a claim function is satisfied only if its subclaim functions are satisfied according to the specified predicate logic.
With the Resolute tool, users define claim functions and computational functions in Resolute annex libraries, i.e., Resolute annex clauses placed directly in an AADL package. The verification results are then displayed in a view labeled Assurance Case.
The user's guide for Resolute, including description of the plug-in for OSATE, assurance case concepts, specification language reference manual, and examples is contained in the in-tool help. The source code for the help documentation is contained in the com.rockwellcollins.atc.resolute.doc project.
See the main Resolute repository for information regarding developing and maintaining Resolute.
This repository is laid out such that access via the GitHub raw interface maps to a valid Eclipse P2 repository. Use the following URL in the Eclipse "Install New Software..." dialog: