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A linux kernel driver for the 74HC595


  1. Compile with make
  2. Insert the kernel module into the kernel using insmod driver.ko <parameters>
  3. Read / Write to /dev/chip74hc595

Module parameters

Name Description Range Default value
clock_pin Sets the clock pin uint8_t 3
data_pin Sets the data pin uint8_t 0
latch_pin Sets the latch pin uint8_t 1
reset_pin Sets the reset pin, if the pin < 0 then its ignored int16_t -1
chain_len Sets the amount of shift registers chained together uint8_t 1
delay Sets the clock's delay (in nanoseconds) uint64_t 50
device_name Sets the device name, alphanumeric, 2-20 chars char* chip74hc595

IOCTL syscall commands

Name Description Command (ioctl_595.h) Arguments
Reset Resets the register chain IOCTL_RESET_595 void
Read chain length Reads the chain length IOCTL_READ_CHAIN_LENGTH uint8_t*
Latch Manually latches the 595 IOCTL_MANUAL_LATCH void
Automatic latch Enables/Disables automatic latching IOCTL_SET_AUTO_LATCH bool

Tested configurations

Hardware Kernel Dstribution Status
OrangePi Zero 3.4.113 Armbian Xenial #00FF00 Well Supported
OrangePi Zero 4.14 Armbian Bionic #00FF00 Well Supported
Raspberry Pi 2 4.14 Raspbian Stretch #00FF00 Well Supported
Raspberry Pi 3B+ 4.19.57 Raspbian Stretch #00FF00 Well Supported
BananaPi M2 Zero 5.15.69 Armbian Buster #00FF00 Well Supported
Generic boards 3.X Any #00FF00 Supported, Needs testing
Generic boards 4.X Any #00FF00 Well Supported
Generic boards 5.X Any #FFFF00 Supported, Needs testing
Generic boards >5.2 Any #FF0000 Supported, Untested
Generic boards <3.0 Any #FF0000 Unsupported

Known Issues and concerns

  • Dosen't work with fwrite (even though they use the same base system call)
    • Caused by fwrite's buffering when it's not supposed to
    • Buffering is easily disabled by using setbuf(fp, NULL);, this fixes the problem
  • No support for output enable pin, this should be tied to ground or another GPIO
  • Please report any issues to the issues section!


A linux kernel driver for the 74HC595







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