Zeroboot environment: The Zeroboot templates are not responsible for setting up the Zeroboot environment, this should be done before starting with the template and make an inventory of the hosts so that it can be used to configure the templates.
On how to setup a zeroboot environment, check the zero-boot howto guide.
Power management using ipmi is supported by the templates. If your hardware supports it, the Racktivity module and setup can be omitted in the zero-boot howto guide.
Inventory environment: The following data from the network will be needed to setup the templates for the environment.
- Zeroboot (on the router) client needs the following data:
- hostname/address of the host running it
- ssh login/username
- ssh password
- ZeroTier token
- ZeroTier network ID
- For each host/node:
- hostname
- ip address
- mac address
- zeroboot network
- When using Racktivity power management:
- Rackivity module hostname/address
- Racktivity login/username
- Racktivity password
- Racktivity port number the host is connected on
- Racktivity power module ID when using SE models
- When using ipmi power management:
- ipmi interface address for the host
- ipmi login/username
- ipmi password
- Zeroboot (on the router) client needs the following data:
Start and connect the robot using the templates
# run a zero robot
zrobot server start -D <zrobot-data-repo> -C <js9-config-repo> -T [email protected]:zero-os/0-boot-templates.git
# connect to the zero robot server
zrobot robot connect zero-boot
The examples in this guide uses the ZeroRobot dsl API and Jumpscale which can be executed in a script or the Jumpscale interpreter.
Open Jumpscale
Or import Jumpscale when using as a script
from js9 import j
Load the ZeroRobot
# get the robot
robot = j.clients.zrobot.robots['zero-boot']
# check if templates are present
# Out:
# ...
# github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_client/0.0.1: ...
# github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_racktivity_host/0.0.1: ...
# github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_ipmi_host/0.0.1: ...
# ...
For a Zeroboot setup, the following templates are provided in this template repository:
- zerotier_client: Used for the Zeroboot client.
- ssh_client: Used for the Zeroboot client.
- zeroboot_client: Used for managing the zeroboot setup using the Jumpscale zboot client.
More information about the Jumpscale zboot client can be found here. - racktivity_client: Used for power management of a host with a racktivity device.
- ipmi_client: Used for power management of a host that supports ipmi.
- zeroboot_racktivity_host: Manages a zeroboot host that has power management using a racktivity device.
- zeroboot_ipmi_host: Manages a zeroboot host that has power management using ipmi.
- zeroboot_pool: Manages a pool of zeroboot hosts, used for keeping track of available resources for the reservation template.
- zeroboot_reservation: Manages the reservation of a zeroboot host.
The zerotier client is needed for the zeroboot client so it can manage the zerotier network.
Documentation for the template can be found here
data = {
'token': '<Your-zerotier-token-here>'
zt_service = robot.services.create("github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zerotier_client/0.0.1", "zboot1-zt", data=data)
The ssh client is needed for the zeroboot client so it can login into the management host (usually router) and manage the hosts.
Documentation for the template can be found here
data = {
'host': '',
'login': 'root',
'password': '1234'
ssh_service = robot.services.create("github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/ssh_client/0.0.1", "zboot1-ssh", data=data)
The zeroboot client manages a zeroboot environment.
Documentation for the template can be found here
data = {
'networkId': '<The-zerotier-networkID-here>',
'sshClient' : 'zboot1-ssh', # ssh client instance name
'zerotierClient': 'zboot1-zt', # zerotier client instance name
zboot_service = robot.services.create("github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_client/0.0.1", "zboot1-zb", data=data)
The Racktivity client power manages a single racktivity device (can manage multiple devices).
Documentation for the template can be found here
data = {
'username': 'admin',
'password': '1234',
'host': '',
rackt1_service = robot.services.create("github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/racktivity_client/0.0.1", "zboot1-rackt1", data=data)
The ipmi client power manages a single host through ipmi (manages a single host).
Documentation for the template can be found here
data = {
"bmc": "", # ipmi interface address of the host
"user": "ADMIN",
"password": "1234",
ipmi-h21_service = robot.services.create("github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/ipmi_client/0.0.1", "zboot1-ipmi-h21", data=data)
The Zeroboot racktivity host template manages a zeroboot host that has power management using a Racktivity device.
Documentation for the template can be found here
data = {
'zerobootClient': 'zboot1-zb', # zeroboot client instance name
'racktivityClient': 'zboot1-rackt1', # racktivity client instance name
'mac': 'd6-05-78-f2-06-8f',
'ip': '',
'network': '',
'hostname': 'host-11',
'racktivityPort': 6, # port on the racktivity device the host is connected to.
'racktivityPowerModule': 'P1', # module on the racktivity device the port is on (only for racktivity SE models)
'lkrnUrl': '<ipxe_LKRN_file_url>',
h11_service = robot.services.create("github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_racktivity_host/0.0.1", "zboot1-h11", data=data)
The Zeroboot ipmi host template manages a zeroboot host that has power management using ipmi.
Documentation for the template can be found here
data = {
'zerobootClient': 'zboot1-zb', # zeroboot client instance name
'ipmiClient': 'zboot1-ipmi-h21', # ipmi client instance name
'network': '',
'hostname': 'host-21',
'mac': '48-24-ae-3b-80-cc',
'ip': '',
'lkrnUrl': '<ipxe_LKRN_file_url>',
h21_service = robot.services.create("github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_ipmi_host/0.0.1", "zboot1-h21", data=data)
The zeroboot pool template keeps track of the zeroboot hosts that are available for reservation.
The hosts added to the pool should already have been successfully installed before they can be added, else an exception will the raised.
Documentation for the template can be found here
data = {
'zerobootHosts': ['zboot1-h11','zboot1-h21'] # list of installed zeroboot host instances ready for reservation.
pool_service = robot.services.create("github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_pool/0.0.1", "zboot1-pool", data=data)
The zeroboot reservation template manages a reservation of a single host. It reserves an available host from a zeroboot pool service on installation and acts as a proxy for the zeroboot host.
Documentation for the template can be found here
data = {
'zerobootPool': 'zboot1-pool',
'lkrnUrl': '<ipxe_LKRN_file_url>',
reservation1_service = robot.services.create("github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_reservation/0.0.1", "zboot1-res1", data=data)
The following example will show how to do power management of a single zeroboot host for both a Racktivity and ipmi managed host.
The services created in the template examples will be fetched and used for this example.
Get the racktivity host service. For the configuration of the service, check the example in the zeroboot_racktivity_host chapter
# list services (check if required services are running)
# Out:
# {'zboot1-zt': robot://main/github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zerotier_client/0.0.1?...,
# 'zboot1-ssh': robot://main/github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/ssh_client/0.0.1?..,
# 'zboot1-zb': robot://main/github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_client/0.0.1?...,
# 'zboot1-rackt1': robot://main/github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/racktivity_client/0.0.1?...,
# 'zboot1-h11': robot://main/github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_racktivity_host/0.0.1?...,
# ...}
# get the racktivity host service
h11_service = robot.services.get(name="zboot1-h11", template_uid="github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_racktivity_host/0.0.1")
# install the host
# power status
# Out: True
# Means it's on
# power off
# Out: False
# power on
# Out: True
Get the ipmi host service. For the configuration of the service, check the example in the zeroboot_ipmi_host chapter
# list services (check if required services are running)
# Out:
# {'zboot1-zt': robot://main/github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zerotier_client/0.0.1?...,
# 'zboot1-ssh': robot://main/github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/ssh_client/0.0.1?..,
# 'zboot1-zb': robot://main/github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_client/0.0.1?...,
# 'zboot1-ipmi-h21': robot://main/github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/ipmi_client/0.0.1?...,
# 'zboot1-h21': robot://main/github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_ipmi_host/0.0.1?...,
# ...}
# get the ipmi host service
h21_service = robot.services.get(name="zboot1-h21", template_uid="github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_ipmi_host/0.0.1")
# install the host
# power status
# Out: True
# Means it's on
# power off
# Out: False
# power cycle
# Turns the host off and back on again.
# If the host was powered off, it will power the host back on.
# Out: True
The following example will show how to reserve a host.
The host services created in the template examples will be fetched and used for this example.
# list services (check if required services are running)
# Out:
# {'zboot1-zt': robot://main/github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zerotier_client/0.0.1?...,
# 'zboot1-ssh': robot://main/github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/ssh_client/0.0.1?..,
# 'zboot1-zb': robot://main/github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_client/0.0.1?...,
# 'zboot1-rackt1': robot://main/github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/racktivity_client/0.0.1?...,
# 'zboot1-h11': robot://main/github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_racktivity_host/0.0.1?...,
# 'zboot1-ipmi-h21': robot://main/github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/racktivity_client/0.0.1?...,
# 'zboot1-h21': robot://main/github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_ipmi_host/0.0.1?...,
# ...}
# get and install the host services
h11_service = robot.services.get(name="zboot1-h11", template_uid="github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_racktivity_host/0.0.1")
h21_service = robot.services.get(name="zboot1-h21", template_uid="github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_ipmi_host/0.0.1")
# create the pool
data = {
'zerobootHosts': ['zboot1-h11','zboot1-h21']
pool_service = robot.services.create("github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_pool/0.0.1", "zboot1-pool", data=data)
# create a reservation service
data = {
'zerobootPool': 'zboot1-pool',
'lkrnUrl': '<ipxe_LKRN_file_url>',
reservation_1 = robot.services.create("github.com/zero-os/0-boot-templates/zeroboot_reservation/0.0.1", "zboot1-res1", data=data)
# install will reserve a host from the pool.
# The host reserved host will be powered on by the install action.
# get the hostname of the zboot host reserved
# Out: zboot1-h21
# get power status
# Out: True
To release a reservation, run the uninstall
action or delete the reservation service
# uninstall action
# delete the service