This repository provides a twig extension class for the twig view parser. The class adds a translate helper function for the use in twig templates. The translator function tries to call the trans() function of an Illuminate\Translation\Translator object in the slim DI container.
using Composer
Create a composer.json file in your project root:
"require": {
"abedmaatalla/slim-twig-translation": "1.0.0"
Then run the following composer command:
$ php composer.phar install
Create new folder for langauges
-- lang
- -- en
- -- file.php
- -- fr
- -- file.php
Set up your Tansloator
$container['translator'] = function ($c)
// Register the English translator 'en'
$translator = new Illuminate\Translation\Translator(new Illuminate\Translation\FileLoader(new Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem(), __DIR__ . '/lang'), 'en');
// setLocal for new location
return $translator;
Set up your twig views as described in the SlimViews Repository. Add the extension to your parser extensions.
$container['view'] = function ($c)
$view = new \Slim\Views\Twig('../resources/views');
// add translator functions to Twig
$view->addExtension(new \abedmaatalla\Slim\Twig\Extension\TranslationExtension($c->translator));
In your twig template you would write:
{{ translate('male') }}
You can also use the shorthand:
{{ tans('male') }}
You can also use the shorthand:
{{ _('male') }}