A Dockerfile that builds OpenProject, a free and open source software for project management with a wide set of features and plugins and an active community.
Comes with Vagrantfile for local testing; just use vagrant up --no-parallel
This is currently relying on a linked database container. Here's an example usage (including data-only container):
docker run -d --name openproject-postgres-data -v /data busybox true
docker run -d --name openproject-postgres --volumes-from openproject-postgres-data -e USER=super -e PASS=password paintedfox/postgresql
docker run -d --name openproject --link openproject-postgres:postgres -p 8080:80 abevoelker/openproject
Wait a little while for the database setup and migrations to run. After a short period the application should be available at http://localhost:8080. You can check the database migration progress with docker attach openproject
At some point I'll make the container more configurable, to use environment variables rather than rely on linked containers. Pull requests welcome!
MIT license.