This project could be a good base project for developing Express/Node.js and MongoDB application using TypeScript on top of it. This project have following functional implementation
- Database Configuration ( MongoDB and Redis )
- Winston Logger Configuration
- Middleware validation of the request body to keep the business logic clean
- Activity/Permission based Authorization
- Token-based Authentication
- Custom validator annotation like Password validation
- Custom Exception Handling
- Swagger Implementation for API documentation
- Property file implementation which will include all the environment and configuration variable detail and facilitate any changes in configuration from this file only.
Assuming that git and node.js is installed in the development environment. Please do the necessary changes for database connection and other configuration in file
Clone the repository
$ git clone
Install necessary packages
$ npm install
Run the application in development environment
$ npm run-script start:dev
Install necessary packages
$ npm install
Install PM2
npm install pm2@latest -g
Run the application
npm run-script start:pm2