This is Django Rest Framework based starter application having following implementation
- Registration API
- Login API : JWT based authentication and authroization
- User API
- ToDo API
- Admin can view all the ToDo list
- User can view their own ToDO list only
- Swagger implementation for API documentation and Testing
- Custom Group
- Custom permissions
Django pacckages used in this projects are
I have used python3.8 for the development environment
- $ pip install django
- $ pip install djangorestframework==3.11
- $ pip install djangorestframework-jwt
- $ pip install mysqlclient
- $ pip install drf_yasg
- $ pip install wheel
- $ pip install django-rest-auth
Setup & Run
Create virtual environment
Install all the necessary packages mentioned above
Make changes to config/ for required mysql database changes
Run following commands for database migrations script and create superuser in application home directory
$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate
$ python createsuperuser
Run the application
$ python runserver
- Email Service
- Token based email verification
- Forgot and Reset Password API