Sample REST Application Manager WebApp
This is a RESTful application session manager web service with a Jetty Servlet container.
The project consists of following Java classes: com.parajuli.abhi.samplerest.appmgr.resources.AppMgrResourceA resource class that consumes and produces an XML or a JSON response to an HTTP POST and Contract Contract Helper Key Class. The mapping of the URI path space is presented in the following table:
URI path
Resource class
HTTP methods
/samplerest/appmgr/applicationsession AppMgrResource POST /samplerest/appmgr/applicationsession/userID={userID} AppMgrResource GET /samplerest/appmgr/applicationsession/userID={userID}/applicationID={applicationID} AppMgrResource GET
Running the Example
Run the example using Jetty container as follows:
mvn clean package org.mortbay.jetty:maven-jetty-plugin:run
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