Generates/executes a jasmine spec runner for an AMD-compliant project
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.github.abirmingham:gradle-jasquire-plugin:1.3'
apply plugin: 'jasquire'
jasquire {
// Required
requireJSBaseUrl = "$projectDir/src/main/webapp/js/main";
requireJS = "src/main/webapp/js/vendor/require/require-jquery.js";
requireJSConfig = "src/main/webapp/js/util/commonConfig.js";
jsSourcesDir = "src/main/webapp/js";
// Optional
jsSpecsDir = "src/test/javascript";
reportTargetDir = "build/reports/jasquire";
htmlRunner = "build/reports/jasquire/AllSpecsRunner.html";
consoleOut = "build/reports/jasquire/jasquire.out";
failBuildOnFailure = true;
All files in jsSpecsDir will be collected and run automatically as part of the build's test task. Additionally, the 'jasquireMain' and 'jasquireTest' tasks may be run independently. Finally, the htmlRunner can be opened in a browser for debugging purposes, and changes to specs/source will be reflected automatically.
Matías Rodríguez
Serials Solutions