Got my DevCard from Daily.dev
👋 Hi, I’m Abraham Dominic Newton an ardent Web3 Enthusuiats, & Front-End Developer with the brand name; Abraham Cyber Tech. I'm passionate about using codes to solve real life problems; thereby creating a sustainable world for all.
💻 I’m currently an Ingressive for Good Student Ambassador for Federal University Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria.
👀 I’m interested in Web3, Cyber Security & Python Language 💻 ...
🌱 I’m currently learning Web3, Blockchain and Smart Contract ...
💞️I’m looking to collaborate on different projects on Web3, Website Development, Python project particularly Web3 & Blockchain Technology.
💬 Ask me anything about Ingressive for Good & Web3
⚡ Fun fact: I love participating in changemaking activities
📫 Want to connect with me?
Portfolio: https://abrahamnewton.netlify.com
📫 Reach me via: [email protected]
Work 💼 📧 [email protected]
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