A full-stack application build on React using Express, MongoDB and NodeJS and powered by Heroku. Users can search for books via the Google Books API, Save them to a Mongo Database, and Remove saved books from their list.
- Installation
- Contribution
- User Story
- Link to Deployed Application
- Example
- Contents
- Team
- License
- Credits
Feel free to clone the repo and run locally by using the terminal/bash command npm start
Please contact me if you find an issue or have a suggestion for future development!
As an avid reader
I want to be able to search the google books repository
So that I can keep track of specific books I've saved
Just visit the GitHub Pages deployed app to begin!
Search for a keyword and save any books you like, and view and remove your saved books from the "Saved" page.
- NodeJS Project MIT license
- Node Package Manager (npm) Artistic License 2.0