The image-funcut
project is kind of a sandbox or testbed for utilities to
view, analyse and transform two-photon microscopy data or any other series of
At the moment, the project includes the following Python
: comprises functions for à trous wavelet transform and related utilities. (Synonims: starlet transform, stationary wavelet transform, non-decimated wavelet transform). Besides transform, there are utility functions to smooth input data with B-splines, remove trends in data or enhance data by noise suppression.imfun.bwmorph
: helper functions for black-white morphology and binary masksimfun.cluster
: naive implementations of a few clustering algorithms and distance functionsimfun.emd
: a stub for empirical mode decomposition functionsimfun.filt
: various filtersimfun.fnmap
: collection of functions which project XYT data to 2D images in various non-trivial waysimfun.fnutils
: a few functional programming-inspired utilsimfun.fseq
: a keystone module: Class definitions and functions to read from files of several formats and represent sequences of images (both lazy and not) and operations on them.imfun.lib
: miscellaneous helper functionsimfun.leica
: parsing XML files produced by Leica Software during exportimfun.mes
: reading MES files, as created by a Femtonics microscopeimfun.mmt
: multiscale median transform and hybrid median/starlet transformimfun.multisale
: working with multiscale supports for starlet and median/starlet transforms, including iterative reconstruction from significant coefficientsimfun.mvm
: an implementation of the Multiscale Vision Model object detection algorithmimfun.opt
: a stub for optimization functionsimfun.pca
: unused, example PCAimfun.pica
: PCA and ICA implementationsimfun.som
: implementation of Self-organizing Kohonen maps clustering algorithmimfun.synthdata
: functions to create simple synthetic data sets should be collected hereimfun.tiffile
: Tiffile library by Christoph Gohlkeimfun.track
: functions to track objects in a changing environment or align frames should be collected hereimfun.ui
: Picker class -- a matplotlib-based backend-independent user interface to operate onfseq
: interface to load MLF files produced by Moor laser speckle imaging
: a Traits-based GUI wrapper overimfun.ui
and other modules with additional features
One of the motivations to start this project was a functional programming approach to image data analysis, hence the name. Also, it's like a final-cut, but with some (geeky) fun.
The following will load a series of TIFF files with all color channels and start and interface to pick up ROIs, etc.
import imfun
fs = imfun.fseq.open_seq("/path/to/many/tiff/files/*.tif",ch=None)
p = imfun.ui.Picker(fs)
Documenting all the features is a work in progress...
The project of course relies on the usual core numeric Python
, SciPy
and Matplotlib
. It draws some ideas from scikit-learn
, and may in future use these two more. The package also keeps a
copy of
by Christoph Gohlke (version 2013.01.18) to load
multi-frame TIFF files.
The script
, a simple GUI wrapper for imfun
, also uses
and TraitsUI
Except for files, adopted from external sources (such as
) the code
is GPL. Other open licensing (e.g. MIT LGPL) can be leased on demand.
The software has been used in production of the following journal articles:
- PMID: 23219568
- PMID: 23211964
- PMID: 24218625
- PMID: 24692513