Release 0.11.0
- Digital Twin
- mProxy (MQTT proxy)
- Zero-touch provisioning
- Enhanced edge
- Enhanced Kubernetes
- And many more
Details can be found here.
Features and Bugfixes
- Add VerneMQ docker image build from source (#1178)
- MF-994 - Add tracing middleware for twins and states repos (#1181)
- MF-995 - Add Twins tests for endpoint list twins and list states (#1174)
- NOISSUE - Update dependencies (#1176)
- MF-1163 - Fix influxdb-reader to use nanoseconds precision (#1171)
- Rename environment variable MF_MQTT_ADAPTER_PORT to MF_MQTT_ADAPTER_MQTT_PORT in docker environment (#1170)
- Remove thing related code from twins service (#1169)
- MF-997 - Add twins service swagger file (#1167)
- MF-1079 - Add MQTT forwarder (#1164)
- MF-1159 - add gateway metadata update in provision method (#1160)
- MF-1055 - rollback/release transaction on error (#1166)
- NOISSUE - Use log level error for VermeMQ docker (#1162)
- NOISSUE - Fix default nats pubsub subject (#1153)
- MF-1125 - Document Provision service (#1143)
- NOISSUE - Fix bootstrap SDK args naming (#1151)
- Use VerneMQ default log level (#1150)
- NOISSUE - Update provision service (#1133)
- NOISSUE - Refactor messaging (#1141)
- Add JSON tags to SDK entities (#1146)
- NOISSUE - Update CLI README.md (#1139)
- NOISSUE - Update mProxy version (#1137)
- fix nginx, channel connect (#1136)
- Remove concurrency flag for golangci-lint (#1134)
- MF-1088 - Remove message payload content type (#1121)
- MF-1129 - Use snake_case for Lora and OPC-UA metadata fields (#1130)
- MF-1128 - Add golangci-linter to a CI script (#1131)
- MF-1123 - Move Provision service to monorepo (#1132)
- MF-845 - Add FOSSA badge for licensing (#1127)
- MF-1087 - Remove WebSocket adapter (#1120)
- NOISSUE - Use HTTP Status in SDK error messages (#1119)
- NOISSUE - Fix bootstrap token naming and interfaces named args (#1117)
- MF-1115 - Improve the SDK error encoding (#1118)
- MF-862 - Add boostrap CRUD to SDK and CLI (#1114)
- NOISSUE - Update coding style in Things service (#1116)
- NOISSUE - Remove defers from TestMain (#1111)
- NOISSUE - Create func to encode SDK errors (#1110)
- MF-1078 - Add timestamp to published messages and use it in Transformer (#1106)
- Fix prometheus namespace in postgres reader & writer (#1109)
- NOISSUE - Implement errors package in senml transformer, readers and writers (#1108)
- NOISSUE - Implement errors package in Authentication service (#1105)
- MF-1103 - API key should ignore empty expiration time (#1104)
- MF-1096 - Fix AuthN and Things Auth ENVARS (#1066)
- fix Contains function for nil arguments (#1102)
- MF-1099 - Add email subdomain validator (#1101)
- MF-1091 - Use channels. as broker prefix (#1098)
- MF-1090 - Use named Interfaces args (#1097)
- NOISSUE - Create broker package for NATS (#1080)
- NOISSUE - Implement errors package in bootstrap service (#1093)
- NOISSUE - Fix writers loadSubjectsConfig if file is missing (#1094)
- NOISSUE - Adding subtopics filtering in writer services (#1072)
- NOISSUE - Improve errors package (#1086)
- NOISSUE - Enable MQTT over WS in docker composition (#1085)
- NOISSUE - Rm unused opc-ua envars (#1083)
- MF-798 - Add utf8 support for email validation (#1082)
- Remove unused Tokenizer interface (#1084)
- Update mqtt adapter imports (#1081)
- NOISSUE - Update state based on SenML time value (#1075)
- NOISSUE - Fix StatusBadDecodingError for opc-ua browse (#1074)
- Save senml array msg to multiple states (#1073)
- NOISSUE - Fix opc-ua message type handling (#1071)
- NOISSUE - Add Publisher field to MQTT adapter (#1067)
- NOISSUE - Fix users CLI (#1062)
- NOISSUE - Fix SDK Messages response (#1064)
- Merged MQTT docker compose in core composition file (#1060)
- MF-1016 - Add UserUpdate and UpdatePassword to sdk and CLI (#1057)
- Update mProxy (#1058)
- MF-1053 - Add disconnect event to MQTT adapter (#1056)
- Fix data type for data_value in databases (#1054)
- NOISSUE - Fix opc-ua subscriptions store (#1052)
- NOISSUE - Fix connect CLI command and remove ConnectThing func from SDK (#1051)
- NOISSUE - Update Vernemq image repository (#1050)
- Removed VerneMQ auth plugin, Aedes impl. Added mproxy support in docker (#1049)
- NOISSUE - Add default subscription nodeID and Interval ENVAR (#1046)
- MF-415 - Merge mProxy support (#1045)
- NOISSUE - Remove twins-service mqtt dependency and publish notifs to nats (#1042)
- Add arbitrary SenML value type saving to twin state (#1039)
- Fixed Aedes dependencies (#1036)
- MF-998 - Add Twins service to Makefile and docker-compose.yml (#1035)
- MF-1032 - Fix redis docker volume of opcua-adapter (#1033)
- NOISSUE - add nats conf (#1031)
- MF-442 - Add SSL encryption to the MongoDB, InfluxDB and Cassanda readers (#1024)
- NOISSUE - Add opc-ua type handling and unsubscription (#1029)
- NOISSUE - Add aggregate attribute-based search for twin retrieval (#1027)
- NOISSUE - Fix metadata in add Things endpoint (#1028)
- NOISSUE - Fix minimal password length (#1023)
- MF-1020 - Change default password for CLI provision test (#1021)
- NOISSUE - Add subtopic to opcua messages (#1022)
- NOISSUE - Add details to browsed OPC-UA nodes (#1019)
- NOISSUE Fix obsolete attribute persistance (#1018)
- Fix twins update revision counter (#1011)
- Fixed docs instructions in README (#1010)
- Fix copyright year (#1009)
- Fix issuing recovery key (#1007)
- Removed gatling load-test (#1005)
- Removed old k8s manifests (#1004)
- NOISSUE - Remove UI from docker-compose (#1001)
- NOISSUE - Store successfull OPC-UA subscriptions (#999)
- MF-730 - Add digital twin service for things (#855)
- Fix Redis event naming (#996)
- NOISSUE - Add a Browse endpoint in opcua-adapter (#988)
- NOISSUE - Add Redis ES Username/Pass for VerneMQ (#991)
- MF-982 - Add error when connecting empty channels or things (#985)