- Using the an Amazon AWS instance
- Requirements
- Downloading datasets
- Notebooks for the tutorial
- The Python modules
We have made the AMI publically available; it's ID is ami-5f789e32
and it is named
PyData London 2016 deep learning adv tutorial - Ubuntu-14.04 Anaconda2-4.0.0 Cuda-7.5 cuDNN-5 Theano-0.8 Lasagne Fuel
Once the instance has been launched, connect to the machine via SSH, using the key you have downloaded;
here we assume it is in the file AWS-key.pem
and it is in the current working directory.
Connect to the machine as follows:
ssh -i AWS-key.pem -L 8157:localhost:8888 ubuntu@ec2-<machine_ip_here>.compute-1.amazonaws.com
Note that the above command sets up port forwarding so that Jupyter notebooks accessible via port 8888 on the Amazon AWS machine will be accessible via port 8157 on your local machine.
From within the SSH session, activate the Anaconda environment so that you have access to the required python modules (from the home directory):
source ana
Change into the deep-learning-tutorial-pydata2016
directory that should contain this repo:
cd deep-learning-tutorial-pydata2016
OPTIONAL: If you want to update the repo:
git pull
Then start a jupyter notebook in browser-less mode:
jupyter notebook --no-browser
The Jupyter notebook should now be accessible from your browser at the address http://localhost:8157
I recommend using the Anaconda Python distribution. For this tutorial we are using Python 2. Anaconda will provide Python, Numpy, Matplotlib and Scikit-image. That are needed.
You will need to have the following installed:
- Theano - get version 0.8. While
pip install Theano
should do it, I checked out the0.8.X
branch from Github. - Lasagne
- Fuel - get version 0.2
To install Theano and Lasagne, you could follow the instructions for Lasagne that suggest:
pip install -r https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Lasagne/Lasagne/master/requirements.txt
pip install https://github.com/Lasagne/Lasagne/archive/master.zip
After installing the libraries mentioned above, you will need to download the datasets using fuel.
Create a directory into which fuel should store its data, say /home/me/fuel_data
. Now create
the file /home/me/.fuelrc
with the following contents:
# ~/.fuelrc
data_path: "/home/me/fuel_data/"
Now, from the command line, go into the /home/me/fuel_data
directory and run:
fuel-download mnist
fuel-convert mnist
You can also download CIFAR-10 [OPTIONAL, multi-hundred MB download]:
fuel-download cifar10
fuel-convert cifar10
and SVHN (the extra argument identifies the type of SVHN we are downloading) [OPTIONAL, ~2GB download]:
fuel download svhn 2
fuel-convert svhn 2
These notebooks give a brief introduction to Theano and Lasagne:
[Theano basics](INTRO 01 - Theano basics.ipynb) and [Lasagne basics](INTRO 02 - Lasagne basics.ipynb)
Using a pre-trained network to classify an image:
[Using a pretrained conv-net - VGG net.ipynb](TUTORIAL 01 - Using a pretrained conv-net - VGG net.ipynb)
Converting a network for use in a convolutional fashion:
[Using a pretrained VGG-19 conv-net to find a peacock.ipynb](TUTORIAL 02 - Using a pretrained VGG-19 conv-net to find a peacock.ipynb)
Saliency tells you which parts of the image had most influence over a network's prediction. Two approaches are demonstrated: [region level saliency](TUTORIAL 03 - Image region-level saliency using VGG-19 conv-net.ipynb) and [pixel level saliency](TUTORIAL 04 - Image pixel-level saliency using VGG-19 conv-net.ipynb)
To generate Deep Dreams - images with a hallucinogenic appearance - we perform gradient descent or ascent on an image rather than the network weights: [Deep Dreams](TUTORIAL - EXTRA 01 - Deep dreams using VGG-19 conv-net.ipynb).
A brief description of the Python modules in this repo:
- a couple of helper functions for proessing some command line arguments.
- utility functions, including loading and saving networks to disk
- the Trainer
class provides a flexible neural network training loop, with
support for early termination, results monitoring, etc. Implemented here to save you having
to implement it elsewhere.
- the ImageClassifier
class implements a basic image classification
model, with support for training, prediction, etc. You provide a function to build the network
of the architecture that you want and the training data, the rest is hanled for you.
- functions that implement active learning, in which the size of a dataset is
incrementally increased by choosing samples for labelling that will be most helpful.
- provides a variety of network architectures for use on the MNIST
hand-written digits dataset
- uses the Fuel library to provide convenient access to the MNIST
hand-written digits dataset
- functions for downloading the VGG-16 and VGG-19 pre-trained
convolutional network models, along with code that will construct the network architecture
using Lasagne.
- train and MNIST digit classifier
- use active learning to gradually grow a dataset that is
a subset of MNIST.