This is the source code for Taksim, a system for procedurally game levels generation. The paper describing Taksim and explaining how is:
Abuzuraiq, A. M., Ferguson, A., & Pasquier, P. (2019, August). Taksim: A Constrained Graph Partitioning Framework for Procedural Content Generation. In 2019 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
An accompanying presentation is accessible Here
The basic idea is to partition a game space (e.g. a rectangular grid or a Voronoi diagram) such that the adjacency between the partitions are as described by a constraint graph. This has many applications like generating a dungeon with a predetermined sequence of in-game missions or generating political maps (like Risk) but being able to control which countries will be adjacent to which. An earlier paper by myself introduced the concept and implemented it in A* search. The source code for that paper is also available in this repo as well as separately in older repo..
The new code in the repo involves using Answer Set Programming (or ASP) to achieve the same goal but with more speed and flexibility. I intended to refine the source code before publishing it, but that took a long time, and I did not get the time for it. So here it is anyway.
The following are the instructions for starting the project. I have tested these settings in Eclipse IDE on a Linux and Windows operating systems.
The repo contains two folders: ASP_ContrainedGraph_Partitioning and ASP. The first contains the A* and ASP implementations and examples. The second contains a library for bridging the gap between the example <--and--> the ASP constraints. Pre-conditions:
- Install Eclipse
- Have Gradle Integration with Eclipse installed
- clone the repo
- import the folder ASP_ContrainedGraph_Partitioning using the Import Existing Gradle option in Eclipse under File->Import->Gradle 2.b if you faced this error "cannot nest ...." then follow this link
- import the folder ASP using the Import Existing Gradle option in Eclipse under File->Import-> By now you should have two projects in Eclipse: ASP_ContrainedGraph_Partitioning and asp4j-master
- right-click on ASP_ContrainedGraph_Partitioning and select Grade -> Refresh Gradle Project
The code should work fine now. You can run and experiment with the examples under: Taksim/ASP_ContrainedGraph_Partitioning/src/java/tests/ There are two folders there. The one called examples contains the A* implementaion examples. The one called asp contains the ASP examples. Note that the folder files has the actual Clingo constraints files. Our of these partition.lp is the main logic, while the others are computed based on what is provided from the examples.
I am more than happy to help -as time allows- if you intend to use Taksim in a game, for research or simply tinkering around.