Linear Data Structure
- Check this to look at a few basic array operations.
- When reading in an array, it is possible to overwrite memory that does not belong to the array.
- Accessing elements outside the array.
- Time:
- Space:
- Used in the implementation of other data structures like linked lists, etc.
- Used in mathematical problems such as matrices, etc.
- Used in lookup tables by computer
- It effectively executes memory addressing logic wherein indices act as addresses to the one-dimensional array of memory
Linear Data Structure
- Check this to look at a few basic array operations.
- Time:
- Input Elements:
- Display Elements:
- Display Boundary Elements:
- Display Lower Right Elements:
- Display Upper Left Elements:
- Sum of Boundary Elements:
- Sum of Lower Right Elements:
- Sum of Upper Left Elements:
- Sorting Array:
- Space:
- Many games use two dimensional arrays to plot the visual environment of a game.
- Used in mathematical problems such as matrices, etc.
- To visualize this data, we need a multi-dimensional data structure,i.e 2-D arrays.