- Description
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
Trying to puppetize proprietary products is a terrible and thankless task - particularly ones with interative install scripts... Regardless, I was disappointed that no Puppet module existed to configure RSA Authentication Agent for PAM, so I present you with this pitiful module. This is basically just a puppetization of the instructions found here:
Open up the appropriate ports in your firewalls and/or security groups. I had to open 5500 UDP and 5550 TCP.
Download the agent, PAM-Agent_v7., from here:
Create an sdconf.rec file on your RSA server.
Create a class named "profile::rsa_securid_auth_agent_for_pam" in your Puppet repo with content like this:
class profile::rsa_securid_auth_agent_for_pam {
include ::rsa_securid_auth_agent_for_pam
include ::rsa_securid_auth_agent_for_pam::sshd
# Optional service declaration for sshd if you don't have one elsewhere.
#service { 'sshd':
# ensure => running,
file { '/var/ace/sdconf.rec':
mode => '0600',
source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/rsa_securid_auth_agent_for_pam/sdconf.rec",
file { '/opt/PAM-Agent_v7.':
source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/rsa_securid_auth_agent_for_pam/PAM-Agent_v7.",
Copy sdconf.rec and PAM-Agent_v7. to modules/profile/files/rsa_securid_auth_agent_for_pam/
Did you remember to open up your firewall ports?
Here, include a complete list of your module's classes, types, providers, facts, along with the parameters for each. Users refer to this section (thus the name "Reference") to find specific details; most users don't read it per se.
No parameters.
No parameters. Note that this class requires that you are defining Service['sshd'] in your local Puppet code.
This module is currently only designed to work on RHEL 7, it has only been tested with Puppet 4, and it only works with PAM-Agent_v7.
Please help! Make this module less terrible. Make it work with other operating systems. Contact RSA and ask them to stop hiding their download behind an account wall so I can change the source to "http://".