Your participation in this project brought huge value to the community. Thank you for your contribution.
What's Changed
- Update README.MD by @Rogerh91 in #67
- Update README.md by @jaytaylopub in #70
- Update README.md by @jaytaylopub in #71
- Added one more university in Sweden by @SunnyBingoMe in #72
- Added one Facebook account and one awesome list by @ujjwalkarn in #75
- Add new Data sets: New Zealand Institute of Economic Research Data1850 by @thibaudcolas in #76
- Updated README.md by @jaytaylopub in #77
- add Data School to Bloggers section by @justmarkham in #78
- add Kevin Markham to Twitter section by @justmarkham in #79
- remove duplicate Google data set by @fredkelly in #80
- Update link Data Science Degree @ Berkeley #81 by @Devinsuit in #82
- Add "Neural Networks video series" by @jbenjos in #83
- Add "Awesome Data Science Ideas" list by @JosPolfliet in #85
- Added "Machine Learning for Software Engineers" by @ZuzooVn in #86
- Adding competition section. by @sara-02 in #73
- Add skale, high performance distributed data processing in NodeJS by @mvertes in #87
- NumPy and SciPy python libraries by @gokhanm in #88
- Add Hydrosphere Mist by @spushkarev in #89
- Update links by @Devinsuit in #90
- Add of LITS Dataset by @PatrickChrist in #91
- Added blogs for understanding Neural Networks ! by @sarthusarth in #93
- small correction with the line break by @danklotz in #92
- Remove dot by @techmexdev in #95
- Minor grammar correction by @techmexdev in #94
- Add Trello Board and Datatau News by @murat in #96
- Added Podcasts Section by @kofoide in #97
- Added Data Science Medium Topic by @murat in #98
- Add zeppelin to tools and remove some dots by @sravan-s in #99
- Enigma.io to Enigma by @indiakerle in #100
- Add a books section by @jwood803 in #101
- Update README.md with one MOOC and a bunch of books by @Charismatron in #102
- One more book to add :) by @Charismatron in #103
- Fixed some small Markdown issues by @sheilnaik in #104
- adding skikit-learn choosing estimator infographic by @lhayhurst in #105
- fixed bad link by @lhayhurst in #106
- Add Featuretools to tools by @kmax12 in #107
- Add Data Fallacies poster to the infographic section by @BRMatt in #109
- Typo fixes in readme by @ferhatelmas in #111
- Add Optimus into Toolboxes section by @FavioVazquez in #110
- Fixed link to "Sweden, Statistics" by @gostaj in #112
- Add Syracuse MS in Applied Data Science to COLLEGES by @justinclarkhome in #115
- Added curated data science resources by @qualityjacks in #116
- Add tutorial section by @vivekimsit in #117
- General Data Science Channel on YouTube: Introduction, NLP, and Practice by @tomer-ben-david in #118
- add college & fix broken link by @cmasch in #120
- Add MLonCode datasets and list by @vmarkovtsev in #121
- Fix broken link to Adversarial Learning by @Teoretic6 in #122
- Removed duplicate and suspended twitter accounts by @lethalbrains in #123
- Add Albumentations into Toolboxes section by @creafz in #124
- Added "Microsoft Research Open Data" datasets link by @Teoretic6 in #125
- Added Open Government Datasets Platform India link by @knightcube in #126
- Adding a book by @MaaniBeigy in #127
- Add DVC to the list of tools by @shcheklein in #128
- add collage by @andreaschandra in #129
- add visualization tools by @andreaschandra in #130
- remove wolframalpha from visualization by @andreaschandra in #132
- adding to your book list by @raer6 in #133
- added three tools to the "Toolboxes - Environment" by @kamil-kaczmarek in #134
- Correcting link to DataHack Platform by @faizankshaikh in #135
- Added two specialised ML awesome aggregators. by @benedekrozemberczki in #136
- Added Chris Albon's website as a Data Science Resource by @ethanchewy in #138
- Added good Microsoft Data Science program by @Polovinkin in #139
- Added Data Science at Scale with Python and Dask by @roziunicorn in #137
- Add Lambdo to Toolboxes by @asavinov in #141
- Added Math for Programmers by @roziunicorn in #142
- Added Feast (Feature Store) by @woop in #143
- Update Toolboxes - Environment section by @mmourafiq in #144
- Add Google Dataset Search (beta) by @Teoretic6 in #145
- Addition of popular Telegram channels by @Hiyorimi in #147
- Add PySpark Cheatsheet by @kevinschaich in #146
- Add newsletter section with AI Digest by @jakubgarfield in #148
- Gradient boosting, decision trees, fraud detection by @benedekrozemberczki in #149
- Add computer vision models list. by @gmalivenko in #150
- Added TensorWatch by @sytelus in #151
- Added MMA degree from Queen's by @stepthom in #152
- Fixed broken link and broken duplicate links. by @benedekrozemberczki in #153
- Update README.md by @harshbg in #154
- chore(readme): update colleges with Illinois Tech program by @vlandeiro in #155
- Added R in Action, Third Edition to Books by @von-latinski in #156
- Added "How to Become a Data Scientist" by @jaytaylopub in #157
- Add ML Workspace to Toolboxes by @lukasmasuch in #158
- Added Machine Learning, Data Science and Deep Learning with Python by @von-latinski in #159
- Fix Venn to Euler by @stereobooster in #160
- Add MOOC by @rasulkireev in #162
- Add MOOC by @rasulkireev in #161
- Added Data Science Bookcamp to Books by @von-latinski in #163
- add section free course by @lucassmacedo in #164
- Add subscribe to new links badge by @scopsy in #166
- Statistics and ML glossary by @tiagowutzke in #165
- Added links to LightTag and Annotation guide by @talolard in #167
- new books and modified (The Datascience Handbook) book name by @mostafatouny in #168
- Added Exploring Data with R to Books by @ipcenas in #169
- added Essential Natural Language Processing by @ipcenas in #170
- added Mining Massive Datasets book by @vojtech-filipec in #171
- Update README.md by @andrewnc in #172
- Add book, fighting churn with data by @carl24k in #173
- Update README.md by @HyamsG in #174
- Added Awesome Monte Carlo Tree Search by @benedekrozemberczki in #175
- Added Karate Club an unsupervised machine learning extension library by @benedekrozemberczki in #176
- Adds Your Guide to Latent Dirichlet Allocation by @lettier in #177
- Add open-source Hopsworks platform by @jimdowling in #178
- Add Pandas in Action to book list by @paskhaver in #179
- Update README.md by @ZoranPandovski in #180
- Add Lightwood by @ZoranPandovski in #181
- add AWS Data Wrangler in toolboxes by @igorborgest in #182
- Fix Feast organization by @woop in #183
- Added some mooc's by @deadshotsb in #184
- Added Little Ball of Fur. by @benedekrozemberczki in #185
- Adds Classpert Data Science Page by @wyugue in #187
- Added Enron Email Dataset Link by @ruppysuppy in #189
- PyTorch Geometric Temporal by @benedekrozemberczki in #194
- Typo by @acharles7 in #192
- Add CML to Toolboxes- environment by @elleobrien in #193
- Update README.md by @0xpranjal in #196
- Addition of Evolutionary Algorithms #195 by @SourangshuGhosh in #197
- add Awesome Game Datasets by @leomaurodesenv in #200
- Adding info on Machine Learning from Scratch by @dafriedman97 in #202
- Update README.md by @deadshotsb in #203
- updated visualisation tools by @Hemshree in #204
- Added a new book: Become a Leader in DS by @jikechong in #205
- Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md by @hmert in #206
- Fixing some links by @spekulatius in #208
- [Exploring Data with R](https://www.manning.com/books/exploring-data-… by @fakturk in #211
- Update README.md by @gokulmanohar in #212
- Updated README.md by @amanraj20 in #214
- Update README.md by @bjungbogati in #213
- Update README.md by @Numericmind in #215
- Added AI Expert Roadmap by @JStumpp in #216
- Updated broken link for ggplot2 by @RaInta in #220
- Fix typo by @sonicdoe in #219
- Linear Algebra courses by G. Strang by @fakturk in #218
- Convex Optimization book and course added by @fakturk in #217
- WIP: V2 by @hmert in #209
- Added link to Dask by @RaInta in #222
- Added navigation link 'top' to major sections for easier navigation. by @aoot in #223
- added Build a Career in Data Science by @ipcenas in #224
- added Data Analysis with Python and PySpark by @ipcenas in #225
- Added tutorial and blogger link by @jinglescode in #226
- Added a free course by @cloudytechi in #227
- Add Data Mechanics to toolbox by @jystephan in #229
- Update README.md by @alexeygrigorev in #230
- Added Shapley by @benedekrozemberczki in #231
- Update README.md by @andrewnc in #234
- Add dagshub by @martintali in #233
- ibm asset dataset by @Dinesh101041 in #235
- Add entry in Youtube section by @jankrepl in #236
- Update README.md by @abhiphull in #238
- Add new podcasts by @traveldwindling in #239
- Update README.md by @manujosephv in #241
- Update README.md by @microprediction in #242
- Update Podcasts section by @traveldwindling in #243
- doc: fix typo mistake in README by @longqua69 in #245
- doc: add book by @longqua69 in #247
- Add Deepnote to toolboxes by @robertlacok in #248
- Adding an intensive program in data science by @mariabardon in #249
- Add Gradient Dissent and DataFramed podcasts by @traveldwindling in #250
- Updated Visualization Tools list by @sarthakkmishraa in #252
- add a book by @tuulos in #253
- Adding UBIAI Text Annotation Tool by @walidamamou in #254
- Added to COLLEGES U Mich MADS by @Apropos-Brandon in #255
- Added Awesome Explainable Graph Reasoning by @benedekrozemberczki in #256
- Adding new blogger by @ltetrel in #257
- Added new interview site link by @sukanya-pai in #259
- Added Data Analysis with Python and PySpark by @stjepanjurekovic in #261
- Add Valohai, MLOps ebook and MLOps community by @skogstrom in #260
- Change Neptune.ml to Neptune.ai by @PawNep in #262
- Added O'Reilly Streaming Systems book by @atg-abhishek in #264
- Update README.md by @AnirbanMukherjeeXD in #263
- Added O'Reilly Data Science at the Command Line book by @atg-abhishek in #265
- Added Chip Huyen's blog which covers ML Engineering by @atg-abhishek in #266
- Added the technical YouTube channel ML Street Talk by @atg-abhishek in #267
- Remove unused links for some twitter accounts by @Iqrar99 in #268
- Add 2 Free Machine Learning PDFs by @GusttavoDev in #269
- Add youtube channel for Neural networks by @krithikha2001 in #270
- Add Book by @MuhamadAzizi in #271
- Added description for NLTK by @RaInta in #272
- Added MOOC Recomendation Systems by @ayoub-berdeddouch in #274
- Added MOOC NLP SPECIALIZATION by @ayoub-berdeddouch in #275
- added MOOC MLOPs by @ayoub-berdeddouch in #276
- added Mooc DS: Statistics & ML by @ayoub-berdeddouch in #277
- Added Comics, and a book by @AnirbanMukherjeeXD in #278
- Added regression, a Friendly Guide by @stjepanjurekovic in #279
- added self organized map by @jaira-encio in #280
- added python for data science beginners guide by @jaira-encio in #281
- Added references to two books: statistical learning with R, PyTorch by @RaInta in #282
- Typo fix README.md by @fishmandev in #284
- Add AI Today and Data Engineering Show podcasts by @traveldwindling in #285
- Added Books -- Deep Learning Cookbook and Neural Networks and Deep Le… by @RaInta in #283
- Added hmmlearn, AI at Home and Intro to ML with Python by @RaInta in #286
- Added free book: Foundations of Computational Agents by @ManviGoel26 in #287
- Added Vizzu by @simzer in #288
- Adding a newsletter by @waniniraj in #289
- Update README.md by @99ansh in #291
- add o'reilly data show podcast by @afrizalhan in #292
- Update README.md by @aryan-mehta in #293
- AWS Rekognition by @fakturk in #294
- Update README.md by @fakturk in #295
- Amazon Lookout for Vision added to toolboxes by @fakturk in #296
- Amazon CodeGuru added to toolboxes by @fakturk in #297
- Add Let's Data Podcast on Podcasts pt_BR by @lucassmacedo in #299
- added free book: The Quest for Artificial Intelligence by @ManviGoel26 in #300
- Added Designing Cloud Data Platfroms by @stjepanjurekovic in #301
- Add Data36 Youtube Channel by @netwarex in #302
- Added Vaex to Toolboxes by @JadenLeake333 in #304
- Fixed Typo, change 'Pandas GU' to 'Pandas GUI' by @JadenLeake333 in #305
- Awesome Polypharmacy - DDI - Synergy Survey by @benedekrozemberczki in #307
- Added a channel and 6 new videos by @stjepanjurekovic in #308
- Remove https://www.datasciencegame.com from Competitions by @theodorosploumis in #309
- Added Graph Algorithms for Data Science by @stjepanjurekovic in #310
- Add Eindhoven University to the list of colleges by @mickeybeurskens in #311
- Add The Radical AI Podcast by @traveldwindling in #312
- Add ipychart by @nicohlr in #313
- Added RexMex and ChemicalX by @benedekrozemberczki in #314
- Add Netron by @lutzroeder in #315
- Add deepchecks to general purpose machine learning by @ItayGabbay in #316
- Added a video by Matthew Rudd by @stjepanjurekovic in #317
- Update redirected links and "Infographic" table error by @z00rat in #320
- Added Data Mesh in Action by @stjepanjurekovic in #321
- Add SocialGrep by @pavel-lexyr in #322
- Add Chaos Genius to Awesome Datascience by @suranah in #323
- Added Nimblebox to the Repository by @PranshulDobriyal in #324
- Add all AI news site by @patfoo in #318
- Add Towhee by @fzliu in #326
- Added Julia for Data Analysis by @stjepanjurekovic in #327
- Added Casual Inference for Data Science by @stjepanjurekovic in #328
- Add LineaPy to toolbox table by @yoonspark in #331
- chore: Add envd in environments section by @gaocegege in #330
- Fix spelling error by @Skylan0916 in #333
- Add 1000+ free online Data Science courses by @vlset in #332
- Update README.md by @kandikits in #334
- Added MLEM tool by @mertbozkir in #335
- Update README.md by @matthiasdroth in #340
- Update README.md by @AditiRastogi250701 in #339
- add tutorial update: mlzoomcamp by @DeleMike in #341
- Added Annotation Lab by @diatrambitas in #343
- Added the "How AI Built This" Podcast by @Sean12697 in #342
- Interpretable Machine Learning book by @RaInta in #344
- Update README.md by @fakturk in #346
- Added new data science college by @Juane99 in #349
- adding book to book list -> Data Science From Scratch by @Lorenzobattistela in #348
- Add Tidyverse link and info by @advy99 in #350
- Added introductory course to machine learning by @Alexmnzlms in #351
- Added a MOOC to learn data science from scratch by @sadafsaleem123 in #352
- Document Cleanup and Reformatting by @AcylSilane in #354
New Contributors
- @Rogerh91 made their first contribution in #67
- @jaytaylopub made their first contribution in #70
- @SunnyBingoMe made their first contribution in #72
- @ujjwalkarn made their first contribution in #75
- @thibaudcolas made their first contribution in #76
- @justmarkham made their first contribution in #78
- @fredkelly made their first contribution in #80
- @Devinsuit made their first contribution in #82
- @jbenjos made their first contribution in #83
- @JosPolfliet made their first contribution in #85
- @ZuzooVn made their first contribution in #86
- @sara-02 made their first contribution in #73
- @mvertes made their first contribution in #87
- @gokhanm made their first contribution in #88
- @spushkarev made their first contribution in #89
- @PatrickChrist made their first contribution in #91
- @sarthusarth made their first contribution in #93
- @danklotz made their first contribution in #92
- @techmexdev made their first contribution in #95
- @murat made their first contribution in #96
- @kofoide made their first contribution in #97
- @sravan-s made their first contribution in #99
- @indiakerle made their first contribution in #100
- @jwood803 made their first contribution in #101
- @Charismatron made their first contribution in #102
- @sheilnaik made their first contribution in #104
- @lhayhurst made their first contribution in #105
- @kmax12 made their first contribution in #107
- @BRMatt made their first contribution in #109
- @ferhatelmas made their first contribution in #111
- @FavioVazquez made their first contribution in #110
- @gostaj made their first contribution in #112
- @justinclarkhome made their first contribution in #115
- @qualityjacks made their first contribution in #116
- @vivekimsit made their first contribution in #117
- @tomer-ben-david made their first contribution in #118
- @cmasch made their first contribution in #120
- @vmarkovtsev made their first contribution in #121
- @Teoretic6 made their first contribution in #122
- @lethalbrains made their first contribution in #123
- @creafz made their first contribution in #124
- @knightcube made their first contribution in #126
- @MaaniBeigy made their first contribution in #127
- @shcheklein made their first contribution in #128
- @andreaschandra made their first contribution in #129
- @raer6 made their first contribution in #133
- @kamil-kaczmarek made their first contribution in #134
- @faizankshaikh made their first contribution in #135
- @benedekrozemberczki made their first contribution in #136
- @ethanchewy made their first contribution in #138
- @Polovinkin made their first contribution in #139
- @roziunicorn made their first contribution in #137
- @asavinov made their first contribution in #141
- @woop made their first contribution in #143
- @mmourafiq made their first contribution in #144
- @Hiyorimi made their first contribution in #147
- @kevinschaich made their first contribution in #146
- @jakubgarfield made their first contribution in #148
- @gmalivenko made their first contribution in #150
- @sytelus made their first contribution in #151
- @stepthom made their first contribution in #152
- @harshbg made their first contribution in #154
- @vlandeiro made their first contribution in #155
- @von-latinski made their first contribution in #156
- @lukasmasuch made their first contribution in #158
- @stereobooster made their first contribution in #160
- @rasulkireev made their first contribution in #162
- @lucassmacedo made their first contribution in #164
- @scopsy made their first contribution in #166
- @tiagowutzke made their first contribution in #165
- @talolard made their first contribution in #167
- @mostafatouny made their first contribution in #168
- @ipcenas made their first contribution in #169
- @vojtech-filipec made their first contribution in #171
- @andrewnc made their first contribution in #172
- @carl24k made their first contribution in #173
- @HyamsG made their first contribution in #174
- @lettier made their first contribution in #177
- @jimdowling made their first contribution in #178
- @paskhaver made their first contribution in #179
- @ZoranPandovski made their first contribution in #180
- @igorborgest made their first contribution in #182
- @deadshotsb made their first contribution in #184
- @wyugue made their first contribution in #187
- @ruppysuppy made their first contribution in #189
- @acharles7 made their first contribution in #192
- @elleobrien made their first contribution in #193
- @0xpranjal made their first contribution in #196
- @SourangshuGhosh made their first contribution in #197
- @leomaurodesenv made their first contribution in #200
- @dafriedman97 made their first contribution in #202
- @Hemshree made their first contribution in #204
- @jikechong made their first contribution in #205
- @hmert made their first contribution in #206
- @spekulatius made their first contribution in #208
- @fakturk made their first contribution in #211
- @gokulmanohar made their first contribution in #212
- @amanraj20 made their first contribution in #214
- @bjungbogati made their first contribution in #213
- @Numericmind made their first contribution in #215
- @JStumpp made their first contribution in #216
- @RaInta made their first contribution in #220
- @sonicdoe made their first contribution in #219
- @aoot made their first contribution in #223
- @jinglescode made their first contribution in #226
- @cloudytechi made their first contribution in #227
- @jystephan made their first contribution in #229
- @alexeygrigorev made their first contribution in #230
- @martintali made their first contribution in #233
- @Dinesh101041 made their first contribution in #235
- @jankrepl made their first contribution in #236
- @abhiphull made their first contribution in #238
- @traveldwindling made their first contribution in #239
- @manujosephv made their first contribution in #241
- @microprediction made their first contribution in #242
- @longqua69 made their first contribution in #245
- @robertlacok made their first contribution in #248
- @mariabardon made their first contribution in #249
- @sarthakkmishraa made their first contribution in #252
- @tuulos made their first contribution in #253
- @walidamamou made their first contribution in #254
- @Apropos-Brandon made their first contribution in #255
- @ltetrel made their first contribution in #257
- @sukanya-pai made their first contribution in #259
- @stjepanjurekovic made their first contribution in #261
- @skogstrom made their first contribution in #260
- @PawNep made their first contribution in #262
- @atg-abhishek made their first contribution in #264
- @AnirbanMukherjeeXD made their first contribution in #263
- @Iqrar99 made their first contribution in #268
- @GusttavoDev made their first contribution in #269
- @krithikha2001 made their first contribution in #270
- @MuhamadAzizi made their first contribution in #271
- @ayoub-berdeddouch made their first contribution in #274
- @jaira-encio made their first contribution in #280
- @fishmandev made their first contribution in #284
- @ManviGoel26 made their first contribution in #287
- @simzer made their first contribution in #288
- @waniniraj made their first contribution in #289
- @99ansh made their first contribution in #291
- @afrizalhan made their first contribution in #292
- @aryan-mehta made their first contribution in #293
- @netwarex made their first contribution in #302
- @JadenLeake333 made their first contribution in #304
- @theodorosploumis made their first contribution in #309
- @mickeybeurskens made their first contribution in #311
- @nicohlr made their first contribution in #313
- @lutzroeder made their first contribution in #315
- @ItayGabbay made their first contribution in #316
- @z00rat made their first contribution in #320
- @pavel-lexyr made their first contribution in #322
- @suranah made their first contribution in #323
- @PranshulDobriyal made their first contribution in #324
- @patfoo made their first contribution in #318
- @fzliu made their first contribution in #326
- @yoonspark made their first contribution in #331
- @gaocegege made their first contribution in #330
- @Skylan0916 made their first contribution in #333
- @vlset made their first contribution in #332
- @kandikits made their first contribution in #334
- @mertbozkir made their first contribution in #335
- @matthiasdroth made their first contribution in #340
- @AditiRastogi250701 made their first contribution in #339
- @DeleMike made their first contribution in #341
- @diatrambitas made their first contribution in #343
- @Sean12697 made their first contribution in #342
- @Juane99 made their first contribution in #349
- @Lorenzobattistela made their first contribution in #348
- @advy99 made their first contribution in #350
- @Alexmnzlms made their first contribution in #351
- @sadafsaleem123 made their first contribution in #352
- @AcylSilane made their first contribution in #354
Full Changelog: https://github.com/academic/awesome-datascience/commits/2022.10.14