This seizure detector uses a Garmin smart watch.
The watch has an accelerometer, heart rate sensor and a bluetooth radio to talk to another computer.
See (the OpenSeizureDetector Web Site)[] for more details.
It is based on an accelerometer monitoring movement. It uses a fourier transform to extract the frequency spectrum of the movement, and monitors movements in a given frequency band. The idea is that it will detect the rhythmic movements associated with a seizure, but not normal day to day activities.
If the acceleration within the given frequency band is more than a threshod value, it starts a timer. If the acceleration remains above the threshold for a given period, it issues a warning beep. If it remains above the threshold for a longer specified period, the unit alarms (continuous tone rather than beep).
My code is licenced under the GNU Public Licence - for associated libraries please see Credits below.
The following libraries are used:
- (SYLT-FFT)[] by D. Taylor.
- (NanoHTTPD)[]
- (jQuery)[]
- (jBeep)[]
- (Chartjs)[]
- (MPAndroidChart)[]
Logo based on "Star of life2" by Verdy p - Own work. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
Alarm Bell Icon by Pixel perfect from
Other icons crated using
Audio Alarm sounds from freesound,,
Graham Jones, 03 December 2017. ([email protected])