This is a curated collection of free Python related eBooks available on the Internet. Please feel free to share and learn.
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You can find all the books listed below in book folder of this repo:
- A Byte of Python [Download]
- Automate it! - Recipes to upskill your business [Download]
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python [Download]
- Beginning Django CMS [Download]
- Beginning Django E-Commerce [Download]
- Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame [Download]
- Beginning Programming with Python For Dummies - Second Edition [Download]
- Beginning Python - From Novice to Professional - Third Edition [Download]
- Beginning Python Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 [Download]
- Bioinformatics Programming Using Python [Download]
- Building RESTful Python Web Services [Download]
- Building Skills in Python [Download]
- Building Web Applications with Flask [Download]
- Cloud Native Python [Download]
- Computer Simulation - A Foundational Approach Using Python [Download]
- Cracking Codes with Python - An Introduction to Building and Breaking Ciphers [Download]
- Daniel Arbuckle's Mastering Python [Download]
- Distributed Computing with Python [Download]
- Dive Into Python [Download]
- Django - Web Development with Python [Download]
- Django 1.1 Testing and Debugging [Download]
- Django Design Patterns and Best Practices [Download]
- Effective Python - 59 Specific Ways to Write Better Python [Download]
- Effective Python Penetration Testing [Download]
- Expert Python Programming - Second Edition [Download]
- Expert Python Programming [Download]
- Flask Blueprints [Download]
- Flask By Example [Download]
- Flask Framework Cookbook [Download]
- Fluent Python [Download]
- Functional Python Programming [Download]
- Fundamentals of Python - First Programs - Second Edition [Download]
- Geospatial Development By Example with Python [Download]
- Head First Learn to Code - A Learner's Guide to Coding and Computational Thinking [Download]
- Instant Flask Web Development [Download]
- IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook [Download]
- Learn More Python 3 the Hard Way - The Next Step for New Python Programmers [Download]
- Learn Python In A DAY - The Ultimate Crash Course to Learning the Basics of Python In No Time [Download]
- Learning Cython Programming [Download]
- Learning OpenCV 3 Computer Vision with Python - Second Edition [Download]
- Learning Python - Fabrizio Romano [Download]
- Learning Python - Fourth Edition [Download]
- Learning Python Application Development [Download]
- Learning Python Design Patterns - Second Edition [Download]
- Learning Python for Forensics [Download]
- Learning Python Network Programming [Download]
- Mastering PyCharm [Download]
- Mastering Python Design Patterns [Download]
- Mastering Python for Finance [Download]
- Mastering Python Forensics [Download]
- Mastering Python High Performance [Download]
- Mastering Python Scientific Computing [Download]
- Mastering Python [Download]
- Matplotlib for Python Developers [Download]
- Modern Python Cookbook [Download]
- Modular Programming with Python [Download]
- MySQL for Python [Download]
- OpenCV Computer Vision with Python [Download]
- OpenCV with Python Blueprints [Download]
- OpenCV with Python By Example [Download]
- Parallel Programming with Python [Download]
- Powerful Python - Second Edition [Download]
- Practical Django Projects [Download]
- Practical Programming - An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python 3 [Download]
- Pro Django [Download]
- Pro IronPython [Download]
- Pro Python - Second Edition [Download]
- Pro Python Best Practices - Debugging, Testing and Maintenance [Download]
- Pro Python System Administration - Second Edition [Download]
- Professional Python [Download]
- Programming in Python 3 - A Complete Introduction to the Python Language - Second Edition [Download]
- PySide GUI Application Development - Second Edition [Download]
- Python - Journey from Novice to Expert [Download]
- Python - Penetration Testing for Developers [Download]
- Python 2 and 3 Compatibility - With Six and Python-Future Libraries [Download]
- Python 3 for Absolute Beginners [Download]
- Python 3 Object-oriented Programming - Second Edition [Download]
- Python and AWS Cookbook [Download]
- Python Crash Course [Download]
- Python Essential Reference - Fourth Edition [Download]
- Python for Everybody - Exploring Data in Python 3 [Download]
- Python for Quants - Volume I [Download]
- Python for Secret Agents - Volume II [Download]
- Python for Secret Agents [Download]
- Python for Software Design - How to Think Like a Computer Scientist [Download]
- Python for the Busy Java Developer [Download]
- Python Geospatial Development - Third Edition [Download]
- Python GUI Programming Cookbook [Download]
- Python High Performance Programming [Download]
- Python in Practice [Download]
- Python Interviews - Discussions with prolific programmers [Download]
- Python Microservices Development [Download]
- Python Network Programming Cookbook [Download]
- Python Parallel Programming Cookbook [Download]
- Python Playground [Download]
- Python Pocket Reference - Fourth Edition [Download]
- Python Programming by Example [Download]
- Python Programming for Beginners - A Step-by-Step Guide to Learning the Basics of Computer Programming and Python [Download]
- Python Programming for Beginners [Download]
- Python Projects [Download]
- Python Requests Essentials [Download]
- Python Testing Beginners Guide [Download]
- Python Unit Test Automation - Practical Techniques for Python Developers and Testers [Download]
- Python Unlocked [Download]
- Scientific Computing with Python 3 [Download]
- Software Architecture with Python [Download]
- Spark for Python Developers [Download]
- Test-Driven Development with Python - Second Edition [Download]
- The Definitive Guide to Django [Download]
- The Python Apprentice [Download]
- The Quick Python Book - Second Edition [Download]
- Think Python - How to Think Like a Computer Scientist - Second Edition [Download]
- Tkinter GUI Application Development Blueprints [Download]
- Tkinter GUI Application Development Hotshot [Download]
- Web Development with Django Cookbook - Second Edition [Download]
- Web Development with Django Cookbook [Download]
- What You Need to Know about Python [Download]
- wxPython 2.8 Application Development Cookbook [Download]
- 流畅的Python [Download]