Welcome to the University of Salford Acoustics Code Repositories. This project is intended for sharing code within the Acoustics department as well as publicly hosting code associated with research.
If you are a member of staff or student and want to become a collaborator please email [email protected]
If you'd like to host code here please keep the following in mind when preparing your repositories:
We'd like this to be a space for collaboration on projects. Please try to make sure that you have a README.md
file in the root directory explaining what your code does and how it should be used. You don't need to comment every line but try to keep in mind that other people will want to know how to use your projects.
It will be best if you can include a license (GitHub provides a few when creating repos) even if its the most permissive, especially if your code is public facing.
Github limits file sizes to 100MB and your projects won't upload if you try to include one. Once something is commited it can be a pain to undo it! Be careful what you commit and try to only include code here. Audio, data, neural net weights and other big files should be stored elsewhere.
Many development environments add files into your project folders that can really balloon in size. This is usually boilerplate, IDE or environment files and aren't necessary for your code to run as it will be generated by the IDE/environment/engine you are using. Similarly, you might have temporary files that you generate while running your code. Please add these kinds of directories, files and/or filetypes to the .gitignore
file in your repo's root directory. When you create repositories, GitHub gives options for templates for many kinds of project such as python, julia, Unity, Unreal, Visual Studio and many others.
The main branch should be just for working code. Think of it like a 'release'. If you're developing/experimenting, consider making branches for this and pull them into the main branch when they're ready.
Remember that public means public to the world; private means people in this organization can still see it – any code hosted should comply with confidentiality agreements/NDAs
If you are new to GitHub and git, check out how to make repositories and how to get them on your local machine. You may also want to fork a repo from here for your own projects.
The above guidelines are preliminary and subject to change. Please get in contact if you are part of the Salford Acoustics and want to contribute.
Salford Acoustics March 2023