Releases: acreloaded/acr
Release 2.18.2 (18.2.0 semver)
- Show damage indicator numbers (heal weapon now heals in larger chunks, 5/500ms instead of 1/100ms)
- Show which flag was reset
- Add STF flags to "Entities" edit menu
- Add "direct capture-the-flag" to classic mode menu
- Decrease weight of servers bypassing master-server policy
- Log when master-server wants to disconnect a client
- Fix "masterserver sent an unknown command" ("*a" after connection)
- Pick up 2 grenades in LSS
- Fix player count (disable bots when all humans are in SPECT)
- Show bot names as "a zombie" in zombie mode
- Use small HTF flag icon for bomber mode
- Fix server quality stats (also calculate starting from 4 or 7 players)
- Fix "Change weapon..." menu entry (to "Change weapon/class...")
- Fix list of maps in maps_secure menu
- Use flag map menu for classic flag modes
- Fix uncleared kill confirm flags
- Remove extra space in client lost/drop/return flag messages
- Remove duplicate client number in /sendmap response message
- Fix text glitch after /resetgl
Target | File |
Windows | |
Linux | |
Server Pack | |
Source Only (/src) | |
Windows (Binaries) | |
Linux (Binaries) | |
01b20ce4faaa1b2f076d848d4b8b112c25371a84efd28aaa1ab4e32beceb8f7e *
5a950dedccc14bb891bc4f3c77f2c42e929fd810605c09941829bc09da68fcb7 *
fb0402649fd1090a38bee9791bc907dc1d9a4f0c3e395254bcfc49e3dbbdad19 *
b028c41b021a6521927d2c2f073e1f0c00cf71854360ab566f536c875893eb6d *
c74eb27aca1e277d8ad46b535996e6db212bae39fefe1a533ca545495f32e2b4 *
c2eb0fad97b44f7a2ad7cb6ab5605efd3df19843a267ad27a571361d7963f277 *
Release 2.7 (18.1.0 semver)
- Toggle zoom/iron sights/ADS, crouch, and sprint/walk (instead of holding) (#196)
- Classic mutator enhancements
- Perks preselected (light/streak)
- Long flag indicator interval (10 s)
- Shorter spawn protection time (1000 ms)
- Nerf RPG-7 range slightly
- No throwing knife bleeding
- Nerf killstreaks (less airstrike damage, radar is shorter, nuke takes 60 seconds to activate)
- /crosshairmode to use or force AC-style crosshairs (default is both)
- Informative loading screen text (#149)
- HUD speed meter
- New collect and harvester gamemodes as 'confirm overload'
- Teleport killers to victims in 'void' mutator (#203), also swap teams with 'convert-void' mutators
- Fix server registration bug (#205) inherited from AC 1.0.4
- Fix LAG bug (root cause is how clients handle falling damage)
- Fix master-server update lockout bug (when resolving fails)
- Fix vote evaluation on disconnect
- Ignore map checks (fix old maps like acr_recreation)
- Update official maps
- Fix acr_recreation (pass more AC map checks)
- Add ac_desert and ac_douze with flags
- Fix ACR official maps for server*
- Prevent forcing AFK spectators to SPECT
- Fix assisted suicide scoring
Disable bots when all humans are in SPECT(not completely fixed)- Show ping of old/new servers in the server list
- Show colored server name on scoreboard
Windows binaries are compiled on Windows 10 with VC++ 2017 with Windows XP support (v141_xp).
Linux binaries are compiled on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS. Linux users might have to compile their own binaries for other distros.
Server Pack 2 (added 2020-11-23) contains ACR official maps, missing in Server Pack (old).
Target | File | SHA-256 |
Windows | | e7b8b5ecbe10a9ef46d06a16ea51f3f7752ac3a6799439d028b0907c37c45d3b |
Linux | | 7ab7b18cbd6ab23144d70035ac32850fd3fd2a718151634ebda0d0581107cb84 |
Server Pack (old) | | 4179c64c03ad01833847bb04d2a261e527575f156816d21c42aa6a16eb3d7228 |
Server Pack 2 | | a3058f573b810f0ddd182b95bf8107e63823b12e99d161bcec7cf1ec5104fb2e |
Source Only (/src) | | 2133188453b29f3845cc4e7fe8ae57a03191c80badbb0bdc45526bf37adfbe8b |
Windows (Binaries) | | 35315d2de4cd9dbcd1899b0e86c4c9fbe83108af622fecb4b5acbe5a347fe8e5 |
Linux (Binaries) | | 84a8b22be8d32763aae3ce0e7110d266ca94fbc389d48d287d1ec938c4772ddf |
7ab7b18cbd6ab23144d70035ac32850fd3fd2a718151634ebda0d0581107cb84 *
84a8b22be8d32763aae3ce0e7110d266ca94fbc389d48d287d1ec938c4772ddf *
4179c64c03ad01833847bb04d2a261e527575f156816d21c42aa6a16eb3d7228 *
a3058f573b810f0ddd182b95bf8107e63823b12e99d161bcec7cf1ec5104fb2e *
2133188453b29f3845cc4e7fe8ae57a03191c80badbb0bdc45526bf37adfbe8b *
e7b8b5ecbe10a9ef46d06a16ea51f3f7752ac3a6799439d028b0907c37c45d3b *
35315d2de4cd9dbcd1899b0e86c4c9fbe83108af622fecb4b5acbe5a347fe8e5 *
Release 2.6.3 (2.7 beta 3, 18.0.0 semver)
New (and recycled) features:
- New overload mode: destroy the enemy base
- New void mutator: different rendering effects
- 3 new "pro" weapons for pros (harder kills but double points and higher count for killstreaks)
- HUD waypoints with "world to screen" functions
- Player nametags (visible teammates and current target) and grenade timers (vision perk)
- Grenade throw timer
- [ACR 2.5.2] Zombie nade fun
- F3 to rescind votes
- Hide shotlines in hardcore, and hide local shotlines in classic
- H = /quickknifethrow and Q = /quickknife (use /resetbinds if necessary)
- More UI options: /spectatebots [ACR 2.5.5], /waypointsize, /nametagfade
- Typing indicator [ACR 2.5.8] but done more efficiently
- Scoreboard ranking [ACR 2.5]
- Increased time for recent scopes (from 300ms to 750ms)
- Still show older/newer/modded servers in serverbrowser
- Fake red dot from ACR 2.5.9 (to enable, use /crosshairreddotsize 15)
- Allow /maxroll 45
- Server owners can set bot limit, which increased to 64 by default
- Log bot owner numbers
- Server-configurable weapon stats [ACR 2.6]
- New master-server protocol with better auth security and more IPv6 preparations (ACR supports only IPv4 but maps a.b.c.d to ::ffff:a.b.c.d)
- Fix memory handling issues (overreads, memory leaks) and infinite loops (some inherited from AssaultCube)
- Fix major server crash when reconnecting
- AI Improvements (bots try to capture the enemy flag in CTF)
- DPI issue fix (with dpiAware in manifest.xml)
- Fix drowning when standing in water
- Fix throwing knives (when they hit)
- Delete grenades and knives when the arena round starts
- Hide dead AI zombies from scoreboard
- Fix progressive zombie spawning
- Add sanity check for maprot mode/mutator
- Restore "Bot control" and "kick/ban" in multiplayer menu
- Fix classic modes in menu
- Fix thirdperson sound location
- Fix issue with stuff beyond far end of fog
- Fix color in MOTD
Target | File | SHA-1 | SHA-256 |
Windows | | f39f3a5ab3545143156e0caaa7ffb838e85b61a4 | 522163f665802d2b38c58cad3bddb98f4a236b6e8927bc7c179c82a19cd63db2 |
Linux | | 770137c07b8ba203d897f4e67de75672ece1bbf1 | 813ec33bb04d6d81ea149888c5fce89d63481e575cb36bf12b71aa32de8bc314 |
Server Pack | | 6ff40611b04f00defae5e5f10b51c6950916e911 | 6eaabd9009a638d41676f15f547785679d0ede5966926a72e9a2b2645ecebbef |
Source Only (/src) | | 42d4faccb41d94f6b01299f9cd61b0ad3072adac | f819dd414b708385b73f8dc4c05ef8c629dc984cc9df7eb73f752ce3c4564aeb |
Windows (Binaries) | | 387adce66b0ea6eea8ea98337af29dd4b988b580 | 7d45a99621f96c2205d989c98390de695184995b7a5f0b4c9381f1e4a2baab05 |
Linux (Binaries) | | f0547552b52355ec55f7660875e73d30b025a5a9 | 4552d320c38baad1f1dbcdf7ee9a3c9d940adf35c0d8ba663e0ebeb6ee82c9e4 |
813ec33bb04d6d81ea149888c5fce89d63481e575cb36bf12b71aa32de8bc314 *./
4552d320c38baad1f1dbcdf7ee9a3c9d940adf35c0d8ba663e0ebeb6ee82c9e4 *./
6eaabd9009a638d41676f15f547785679d0ede5966926a72e9a2b2645ecebbef *./
f819dd414b708385b73f8dc4c05ef8c629dc984cc9df7eb73f752ce3c4564aeb *./
522163f665802d2b38c58cad3bddb98f4a236b6e8927bc7c179c82a19cd63db2 *./
7d45a99621f96c2205d989c98390de695184995b7a5f0b4c9381f1e4a2baab05 *./
Release 2.6.2 (2.7 beta 2, 17.0.0 semver)
- Fixed many defects detected by Coverity Scan
- Add missing animations and placeholders for missing world models
- Fixed reload while zoomed
- HUD model FOV is decreased back down to 55
- Different shells depending on weapon type
- [Backport] Automatically reload the shotgun completely
- Crosshair for knife, sword, and grenades
- [Backport] Deathcam: auto-spectate and suicidecam
- Fix scope transparency (peripheral vision)
- [Backport] Throwing knife
- [Backport] Manual team control
- Add Mk12 and M1911 with temporary values
- /fakelasertest and /silencertest
- Cleanup script to delete unnecessary AC packages (since we have to distribute the entire unmodified package)
Target | File | SHA-1 | SHA-256 |
Windows | | 9c6e933248c75e91dbb4652ffe4e4b0a72d5b2c7 | 511fbe50de6540ec58b6c897a7331a381c6821b67ce4ab7ae770348b2d8a47e0 |
Linux | acr_02_06_02-l.tar.gz | 47efc6a734787133d003089073ac823bdd517541 | 8aecb5482172dfa474d2cfd56b6294e2f9d5cdedfa1fd4144df0da07428f1a55 |
Server Pack | | 7a4d75ce5e4ada21295e465296239048b377e38a | 4827978749ea496cfb473e3c134a74221be7826ac72c32d1e84391952a89cd37 |
Source Only (/src) | | 4214238bdc854bb7702b77f3cc14ce25eb3ba357 | c0e2de1e0ba89e794f7fd9b388dc66cdf9ff81b6d4a16e5531cda2090d23c50f |
Windows (Binaries) | | 2f8b6a51de8915f7aae4b1a5dfef9a4e889a4405 | 104971c68c98174ae93fa265992b8126be70004794bb2df2ebb2a14c2216961c |
WinXP Server Binary | | 84e14ea9c1f4849637a9c11b8791308a585c6018 | 87ee527e36147703dca5e69e2ddaa52314f558259e455fde7fd092c7d8ffad8e |
Linux (Binaries) | | b82048f7be2d1340cda4a102d69f0919620fab6e | abda02b22936bfdb21763e71d8da228f4b4e497670e85387a0dbc8b40693c1bb |
8aecb5482172dfa474d2cfd56b6294e2f9d5cdedfa1fd4144df0da07428f1a55 *acr_02_06_02-l.tar.gz
abda02b22936bfdb21763e71d8da228f4b4e497670e85387a0dbc8b40693c1bb *
4827978749ea496cfb473e3c134a74221be7826ac72c32d1e84391952a89cd37 *
c0e2de1e0ba89e794f7fd9b388dc66cdf9ff81b6d4a16e5531cda2090d23c50f *
511fbe50de6540ec58b6c897a7331a381c6821b67ce4ab7ae770348b2d8a47e0 *
104971c68c98174ae93fa265992b8126be70004794bb2df2ebb2a14c2216961c *
87ee527e36147703dca5e69e2ddaa52314f558259e455fde7fd092c7d8ffad8e *
[1.2 Base] Release 2.6.1 (2.7 beta 1, 16.0.0 semver)
ACR has been recoded on AC 1.2! This is the first beta release for 2.7.
Windows XP USERS must download the patch in addition to the Windows package.
Some changes couldn't make it to 2.6, and a recode was started before 2.6.1 could be released. However, the version 2.6.1 is used to represent the first beta release of 2.7.
- Recoded on AC 1.2 as the base version (likely less crashes)
- Class manager
- Simpler killfeed, removed kill messages
- Hide KILL indicator in classic, update at 4 second intervals
- Disable spawn protection upon firing the first shot
- WARNING: Some features like the throwing knife have not been backported yet. Please report missing features that were present in 2.6.
Target | File | SHA-1 | SHA-256 |
Windows | | 8743cc930ccda4824a992f9f9d6ea70814bd4f44 | 71bb1b698174ee1903f13a7148ede5a1b8ee632731bd7d0a3b6e88e8a571017d |
Windows XP Binaries | | a4aef16a22719e68064d420f7974e479c561c31f | 5ed5f98a5c8224d8559c177bb249ca65e99fcd1ae5926c49b12af4a1baa01a97 |
Linux | acr_02_06_01-l.tar.gz | 0b23623d0012f69eb892c256539ad7cbdff0186d | 57ee5c0b26c57431109a6f4375e6e74ed591f135cd7a196b77e280688787837c |
Server Pack | | da17cd018835dc8188fa0c853075fdd99440e5e8 | 96f065694e82c0d46c5f205e75dac491184375c68aa47705795eafdd8754101b |
Source Only (/src) | | 1638b8d6e6078cf4b25c65a003a1ee91ce6575a6 | 7fb74fe5b29a2ae14842590f90de98ef1703dcd53081748c646499d54ac2737d |
Windows (Binaries) | | 577445f2f9040fca5d911cd154c23b5a5d66af12 | 6879283cf73d2cac70e41fe2fff9de33dbce9de9cb0c08e2868a0f3893476d67 |
Linux (Binaries) | | 6408dd5a1236f203412bb447514d4ec234c149d5 | b8a7745f924607dd3546ff8b7950d1a0de5548857cb10c5854ba621d2eea0270 |
57ee5c0b26c57431109a6f4375e6e74ed591f135cd7a196b77e280688787837c *./acr_02_06_01-l.tar.gz
b8a7745f924607dd3546ff8b7950d1a0de5548857cb10c5854ba621d2eea0270 *./
96f065694e82c0d46c5f205e75dac491184375c68aa47705795eafdd8754101b *./
7fb74fe5b29a2ae14842590f90de98ef1703dcd53081748c646499d54ac2737d *./
71bb1b698174ee1903f13a7148ede5a1b8ee632731bd7d0a3b6e88e8a571017d *./
6879283cf73d2cac70e41fe2fff9de33dbce9de9cb0c08e2868a0f3893476d67 *./
5ed5f98a5c8224d8559c177bb249ca65e99fcd1ae5926c49b12af4a1baa01a97 *./
[1.0 Base] 2.6 New Year (15.0.0 semver)
The Linux release has binaries for Ubuntu 13.04 32-bit and 64-bit, but you can compile your own, as it also contains the source.
If you are using Mac or other operating systems, please wait while we continue to try to package for them. Or better yet, try to compile it. If it fails, download a virtual machine.
The server pack is ready for both Windows and Linux, but you might need to compile your own for Linux (source included).
- Fixed many licence problems (all of the ones with AC are resolved because our mods are moved to a mod folder and their copyright statuses are declared)
- Forum Integration (new master-server protocol)
- /ignore and /unignore
- Server-configurable weapon stats
- Improve multi-monitor support
- Allow server admins to disable global bans, but an icon will be placed into the serverlist
- Throttle demo downloads instead of restricting to admins
- /autospectate (automatically spectate your killer for a BF3-like killcam experience) (in Gameplay Settings)
- _suicidecam_era
- Fixed bug preventing teammates from being healed
- Indicate assist count in obits
- Bot names by the client -- prevent admin name abuse
- "restart/repeat this match" in vote messages
- /maxroll is capped at 30 instead of 10
Target | File | SHA-1 | SHA-256 |
Windows | | b5faf4b2bcbcecff649160bab5cb15a61424fbd8 | d7080f58049ef38487f459817585473da873ccf1cdb5610e8593a802fbb4e4ad |
Linux | acr_02_06_00-l.tar.gz | 6297bdbe523a7ea5568c6ebeac159fd131f81d82 | cc7f49ffbfd38ea444f98e7f0dd5efee1e25c6c7d4abadc7b856fa9fb4450d8b |
Server Pack | | 8d635cedcba804c3fc95f106266b8362a925f672 | 8f5a49925498946e6d727ed6247de915a11a7e69522b0cdb68aeb9453c1c80d4 |
Source Only (/src) | | 6163d638029cc613f993fc03324b13d5940602e8 | ef7504af51e4d8681210377fff1d46f74c4de746cd9220e2dbfe099fb6ac5dd3 |
Windows (Binaries) | | 018164449f2fe7335e7398cf30fda37a17dbed5b | 538c3448ec8a41dd45e31b5df85f070368b0eeec61e615941f3509a9b6f0aecc |
Linux (Binaries) | | 3a403be8d619981c63a3705b54380dc6cb28c235 | 5eae11ec22634a6cfd9661e8a632a38ef2c4f3ff1e4ff4df6ae60df9ab45109f |
cc7f49ffbfd38ea444f98e7f0dd5efee1e25c6c7d4abadc7b856fa9fb4450d8b *acr_02_06_00-l.tar.gz
5eae11ec22634a6cfd9661e8a632a38ef2c4f3ff1e4ff4df6ae60df9ab45109f *
8f5a49925498946e6d727ed6247de915a11a7e69522b0cdb68aeb9453c1c80d4 *
ef7504af51e4d8681210377fff1d46f74c4de746cd9220e2dbfe099fb6ac5dd3 *
d7080f58049ef38487f459817585473da873ccf1cdb5610e8593a802fbb4e4ad *
538c3448ec8a41dd45e31b5df85f070368b0eeec61e615941f3509a9b6f0aecc *
2.5.9 (14.1.0 semver)
Status: Stable
Last Modified: 2014-02-15T11:32:17.757-08:00
IMPORTANT: Even though this is protocol-compatible with 2.5.8, it fixes some of 2.5.8's crash exploits, so if you do not update, you will be at risk!
SERVER OWNERS: note that a mutelist configuration file has been added.
Linux has Ubuntu 13.04 32-bit and 64-bit precompiled binaries, but you can compile your own as it also contains the source.
If you are using Mac or other operating systems, please wait while we continue to try to package for those OSes. Or better yet, try to compile it. If it fails, download a virtual machine.
The server pack is ready for both Windows and Linux, but you might need to compile your own for Linux (source included)
- Revert to the Cube licence (applies to ALL previous versions too)
- Damage tweaks, balance, etc.
- Fix forbidden speech false positives
- Finish Server IP mute list (-s, default "config/servermutelist.cfg")
- Rectify M16 exploit in sniping/insta (originally discovered by "jambo", "tiririca", and his other aliases)
- Another fix for the zombies' explosions.
- Completely remove friendly fire -- no more trolling from blockers/mistakes, except in hardcore, which redirects part of the friendly fire damage to the dealer
- Lower falling damage for classic, restore drowning, but at a very slow rate
- More tweaks for speedhack detection
- Fake Red Dot support
- Sniper zoom script
- Stop deathcam on mouse move
- Fade spectators on minimap
- Prevent 1 anti-client and 2 anti-server crash exploits
Type | File | Date |
Application | |
2013-08-24T07:49:32.057-07:00 |
Application | acr_02_05_09-l.tar.gz |
2013-08-24T08:07:53.993-07:00 |
Example | |
2013-08-24T08:14:06.663-07:00 |
Source Code | |
2013-08-24T08:14:06.787-07:00 |
Codeplex Release
"Id": "3",
"Name": "(1.0 Base) 2.5.9",
"DevelopmentStatus": "Stable",
"Description": "*IMPORTANT: Even though this is protocol-compatible with 2.5.8, it fixes some of 2.5.8's crash exploits, so +if you do not update, you will be at risk!+*\n\nSERVER OWNERS: note that a mutelist configuration file has been added.\n\nLinux has Ubuntu 13.04 32-bit and 64-bit precompiled binaries, but you can compile your own as it also contains the source.\n\n+If you are using Mac or other operating systems, please wait while we continue to try to package for those OSes.+ Or better yet, try to compile it. If it fails, download a virtual machine.\n\nThe server pack is ready for both Windows and Linux, but you might need to compile your own for Linux (source included)\n\nChangelog:\n* Revert to the Cube licence (applies to ALL previous versions too)\n* Damage tweaks, balance, etc.\n* Fix forbidden speech false positives\n* Finish Server IP mute list (-s, default \"config/servermutelist.cfg\")\n* Rectify M16 exploit in sniping/insta (originally discovered by \"jambo\", \"tiririca\", and his other aliases)\n* Another fix for the zombies' explosions.\n* Completely remove friendly fire -- no more trolling from blockers/mistakes, except in hardcore, which redirects part of the friendly fire damage to the dealer\n* Lower falling damage for classic, restore drowning, but at a very slow rate\n* More tweaks for speedhack detection\n* Fake Red Dot support\n* Sniper zoom script\n* Stop deathcam on mouse move\n* Fade spectators on minimap\n* Prevent 1 anti-client and 2 anti-server crash exploits",
"ReleasedDatge": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"ModifiedDate": "2014-02-15T11:32:17.757-08:00",
"Files": [
"Id": "6dcfc000-4a53-48ea-b712-bba8a2001b64",
"FileName": "",
"Url": "./3/6dcfc000-4a53-48ea-b712-bba8a2001b64",
"Type": "Application",
"UploadDate": "2013-08-24T07:49:32.057-07:00"
"Id": "b8e9aa4f-05fa-4fdd-b427-3a4ce37215c2",
"FileName": "acr_02_05_09-l.tar.gz",
"Url": "./3/b8e9aa4f-05fa-4fdd-b427-3a4ce37215c2",
"Type": "Application",
"UploadDate": "2013-08-24T08:07:53.993-07:00"
"Id": "1c0c805d-84ea-4d9d-951e-2621d187d4a9",
"FileName": "",
"Url": "./3/1c0c805d-84ea-4d9d-951e-2621d187d4a9",
"Type": "Example",
"UploadDate": "2013-08-24T08:14:06.663-07:00"
"Id": "26ffe3f6-2f00-4bfe-978f-9b24dd2037f1",
"FileName": "",
"Url": "./3/26ffe3f6-2f00-4bfe-978f-9b24dd2037f1",
"Type": "Source Code",
"UploadDate": "2013-08-24T08:14:06.787-07:00"
ef50920f46ddc78992b69c0c88344510ee533b03d5617c9372484f4918de968a *acr_02_05_09-l.tar.gz
8cf19d87d6b6c59d11bbed1bb5215d0d809dd642e32efedcc116799a4f3aba15 *
18210238b8d049a18b45c58d3d7f87d01363fe81727af9b4be6284e23c3f8079 *
4e5c24bcd3616146fd69ae3327fd4c95c569dcf4957d814e76b3f54dc7083a53 *
2.5.8 (14.0.0 semver)
Codeplex Release
"Id": "4",
"Name": "(1.0 Base) 2.5.8",
"DevelopmentStatus": "Stable",
"Description": "SERVER OWNERS: note that the default maprot has changed once again.\n\nLinux has Ubuntu 11.10 32-bit precompiled binaries and Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit precompiled binaries, but you can compile your own as it also contains the source.\n\n+If you are using Mac or other operating systems, please wait while we continue to try to package for those OSes.+ Or better yet, try to compile it. If it fails, download a virtual machine.\n\nThe server pack is ready for both Windows and Linux, but you might need to compile your own for Linux (source included)\n\nChangelog:\n* ruler501's temporary fix to the bot crash\n* Better speedhack detection when using the M82\n* More Intervention damage\n* Better explosive damage fading\n* ~~Less damage for automatic weapons~~\n* \"hardcore\" - now with more recoil and reduced HUD elements (user-adjustable)\n* \"psychic\" Mutator - wallhacks for all\n* \"juggernaut\" Mutator - 10x maximum HP (but no regen)\n* \"sniping\" Mutator - insta with M21 - the old sniping is now \"insta\"\n* Progressive zombies don't explode until the last round\n* Refill humans' health/ammo for the next zombie round\n* Do not allow spawning before zombies spawn on Round 30\n* Show an icon above typing players' heads\n* Fix for helmets not respawning\n* New official map: acr_recreation\n* Bot balance for individual teams\n* Fixed name change spam\n* Smoother deathcam that turns from the kill source (grenade explosion) to the killer",
"ReleasedDatge": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"ModifiedDate": "2014-02-15T11:32:08.15-08:00",
"Files": [
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"Type": "Application",
"UploadDate": "2013-06-25T14:07:02.45-07:00"
"Id": "bee99ce1-f352-4ce8-9eb7-dbb80e038c0d",
"FileName": "acr_02_05_08-l.tar.gz",
"Url": "./4/bee99ce1-f352-4ce8-9eb7-dbb80e038c0d",
"Type": "Application",
"UploadDate": "2013-06-25T14:07:06.24-07:00"
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"UploadDate": "2013-06-25T14:11:09.537-07:00"
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"Type": "Source Code",
"UploadDate": "2013-06-25T14:11:09.723-07:00"
"Id": "d111d93d-e2a5-4a16-a2e2-5e159ad84df8",
"FileName": "ACRPortable_2.5.8_Portable_English.paf.exe",
"Url": "./4/d111d93d-e2a5-4a16-a2e2-5e159ad84df8",
"Type": "Application",
"UploadDate": "2013-08-16T23:38:22.247-07:00"
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db207d96f53f6cdc4154727d76def9bc5a741ac4e59fc89549b8eb201c117ebd *ACRPortable_2.5.8_Portable_English.paf.exe
2.5.7 (13.0.0 semver)
Codeplex Release
"Id": "5",
"Name": "(1.0 Base) 2.5.7",
"DevelopmentStatus": "Stable",
"Description": "SERVER OWNERS: note that the default maprot has changed.\n\nLinux has Ubuntu 11.10 32-bit precompiled binaries and Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit precompiled binaries, but you can compile your own as it also contains the source.\n\n+If you are using Mac or other operating systems, please wait while we try to package for those OSes.+ Try to compile it. If it fails, download a virtual machine.\n\nThe server pack is ready for both Windows and Linux, but you might need to compile your own for Linux (source included)\n\nChangelog:\n* Fixed divide by zero error (should *prevent the freeze*)\n* Fixed to stop zombies from spawning during the arena round intermission\n* Better speedhack detection for laggers in case of a sudden burst of packets\n* Add M82 and an actual sword model!\n* Allow burst for AK-47\n* Burst indicator\n* CTF \"return\" -> \"direct\" (opposite) - Maprot settings changed!\n* Better KTF HUD waypoint (implied strategy)\n* Fix for kill points not showing for \"normal\" kills\n* Fix for death states not being set when a bot kills a bot\n* Bullet shells take the velocity of its owner",
"ReleasedDatge": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"ModifiedDate": "2014-02-15T11:31:36.323-08:00",
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"Type": "Application",
"UploadDate": "2013-04-07T13:37:05.593-07:00"
"Id": "07a28ba7-aec7-4153-8007-1b37e6eab993",
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"Type": "Example",
"UploadDate": "2013-04-07T14:00:34.1-07:00"
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"UploadDate": "2013-04-07T14:00:34.227-07:00"
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2.5.6 (12.0.0 semver)
Codeplex Release
"Id": "6",
"Name": "(1.0 Base) 2.5.6",
"DevelopmentStatus": "Stable",
"Description": "Linux has Ubuntu 11.10 32-bit precompiled binaries and Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit precompiled binaries, but you can compile your own as it also contains the source.\n\n+If you are using Mac or other operating systems, please wait while we try to package for those OSes.+ Try to compile it. If it fails, download a virtual machine.\n\nThe server pack is ready for both Windows and Linux, but you might need to compile your own for Linux (source included)\n\nChangelog:\n* Less bandwidth (40fps -> 25 fps)\n* Improved speedhack detection\n* Added AK-47\n* Sword is a secondary weapon\n* Higher kick/ban requirements\n* ~~Zombies uses irreversible team spawns~~ (canceled)\n* Allow spawning during a zombie intermission\n* Better M21 damage fading\n* More item transforms for modes\n* Damagescreen cap @ 5 seconds/hit\n* Assist fix\n* Fix server choke stats\n* Won't set HP to 0.0 on death",
"ReleasedDatge": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"ModifiedDate": "2014-02-15T11:31:29.367-08:00",
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"UploadDate": "2013-01-24T19:29:10.227-08:00"
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"Type": "Application",
"UploadDate": "2013-01-24T19:46:39.67-08:00"
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