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ACTRIS Cloudnet data portal

Lint and test

This repository contains the source code for ACTRIS Cloudnet data portal hosted at


The data portal is distributed as a docker container as a part of the Cloudnet development toolkit. Refer to README of the dev-toolkit repository on how to set up the CLU development environment.

Development dependencies

Install pre-commit to your machine and run pre-commit install to set up the hooks.

Running commands in the container

For running commands in the data portal containers, small wrapper scripts are provided at backend/run-dev, backend/run-test and frontend/run, for running commands in the backend development, backend test, and frontend development containers, respectively. Before using these scripts make sure the containers are up.

Populating the database

By default, there is no data in the portal's database. The following command will populate the development database with test fixtures:

cd backend
./run-dev npm run reset-db

To load other data to the db, for instance the sites used in production, use:

cd backend
./run-dev npx ts-node -T src/fixtures.ts /dataportal-fixtures/1-site.json APPEND


The dataportal uses TypeORM for automatic database schema manipulation. This repository provides wrapper scripts for TypeORM's own migration tool:

 cd backend
./run-dev npm run migration:show
./run-dev npm run migration:run
./run-dev npm run migration:revert
./run-dev npm run migration:generate -- src/migration/NewMigration
./run-dev npm run migration:create -- src/migration/NewMigration
./run-dev npm run typeorm -- --help

The migrations are stored in backend/src/migration. For more information on how to use TypeORM's migrations, see

Running unit and integration tests

The backend unit and integration tests are run with the commands:

cd backend
./run-test npm test

Individual tests can be run as:

cd backend
./run-test sh -c "npm run reset-db && npx jest tests/integration/sequential/upload.test.ts"

To run backend e2e-tests, issue

cd backend
./run-test npm run e2e-test

The frontend unit and integration tests are run with:

cd frontend
./run npm run test:unit

Running code formatters

WRAPPER npx prettier --write FILENAME
WRAPPER npm run lint-fix

where WRAPPER is, depending on the backend or frontend, ./run-dev or ./run, respectively.
