Version 1.2 of the dictionary
This release streamlines general notations for terms, improves specification of data formats, and fixes definition for Event, State, and ContractStructure entities.
More specifically, major improvements are as follows:
- Added terminationDate, maturityDate as state variable
- Aligned Execution and Exercise terminology
- Aligned fixingDays, settlementPeriod, gracePeriod, ... terminology
- Added enum options with identifier, name and description
- Added underlying contract roles UDL, UDLP, UDLM
- Added ‘matured’ and ‘terminated’ contract performance values
- Merged Event Types and Event sheets into Event table that contains types as allowed values for the Event Type field
- Fixed contract structure term and added option and acronym to contract structure role and type enums
- Updated Period and Cycle types to the ISO8601 Duration standard
- Fixed missing options in the contractPerformance state variable
- Fixed various typos