Running the SPARQL test suite for QLEVER.
You need too compile the QLever code and get the SPARQL test suite files.
Before you can run the test suite you have to setup the config. To do this run the following command.
python3 config <server address> <port> <path to testsuite> <path to the qlever binaries> <graph store implementation host> <path of the URL of the graph store> <URL returned in the Location HTTP header>
python3 config 7000 ./testsuite/ ../qlever-code/build/ localhost sparql sparql
After setting up the config you can now extract all the tests from the SPARQL test suite.
python3 extract
This will generate the test list with the specified name.
Now you can execute the test suite.
python3 <name for the test suite run>
python3 firstRun
If this is the first run it will generate a directory called results. All results will be saved in this directory. For example the firstRun.json.
If you want to visualize the results you can use the TODO.