This tempalte is built with NextJS 15 TS, and it is emant to help Cardano devs kick things off fast.
- Login with Magic Link, Anonymously, Google
- Supabase integration
- Wallet Connection (Eternl, Lace,Yoroi)
- Wallet integration is done with hooks and with redux-persist
- you can use
const walletState = useAppSelector((state) => state.wallet.wallet);
- everywhere in you app and access wallet information.
- First clone the repo locally
- Make sure you
into the directory - Run the following command to install dependencies
npm i
- If it gives you error, force it
npm i --force
- The above should work.
- Create a .env file
- At the root of the project
- And put the following variables
- In production, change the SITE_URL accordingly
- Make sure you have created account in Supabase, in order to have all the variables needed to run.
- Once you are done run
npm run dev
to run the project locally. - For doing all the related configurations for supabase, check my other template which explains everything in detail:
- Make sure you create an API key in Blockfrost for the network in order to integrate the wallets. You add the ID in the env file as shown earlier.