Task Manager is a Covey-style tool for keeping track of
- Enter items in four boxes.
- Tick off items you've completed.
- Archive items (with a timestamp) once you're done being proud of having completed them.
- Customize the labels & date/time format.
Task Manager is created with the Qt application framework, released under the GNU Public License. That means, among other things, that you are free to download it and use it, but not to re-sell it.
Qt is a cross-platform framework, so there is the possibility for using this on Mac OS X, Linux, etc. Right now I only have Windows executables because I only have a Windows machine. Perhaps some do-gooder will build versions for other operating systems and send them to me.
I build in Windows with this, which assumes that Qt is installed and visible in your path:
qmake -config release
Of course your system would have something different from “mingw32-make”—probably just “make”—if you are not building from Windows using MinGW.