This box is a starting point for new Enonic projects. This box has been tested on OSX, it should work on Linux and it might work on Windows.
It will install and provision an Ubuntu box with the complete java stack, set up your database with postgreSQL, install db drivers, download enonic CMS and setup all your environment variables. It will also install common node tools (Bower, grunt, less etc).
These are things you need to install once on your machine to use this box.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
To start a new project run:
git clone
cd vagrant-enonic-cms-box
vagrant up
After the box has been provisioned the first time, tomcat will fail to restart. Therefore:
vagrant ssh
sudo service tomcat7 restart
SaltStack is used to install software to change what is installed have a look at the documentation. For a quicker provisioning process you should remove software that you do not need in your project.
If you have personal configuration needs or tools you need installed that are not used by the project. e.g: custom
dotfiles. Create a ~/.vagrant.d/Vagrantfile
and call provisioning to install your config/tools.
Your project might need to expose servers to the host OS (so that you can open websites in a brower etc). To forward a
port open the Vagrantfile
a line like this: :forwarded_port, guest: <port nr>, host: <port nr>
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
This will place you inside the directory shared with the host OS.
vagrant halt
This will shutdown the virtual machine.
- node
- ruby (2.1)
- python (2.7)
- java (7)
- grunt
- bower
- compass
- sass
- maven
- tmux
- screen
- curl
- wget