Code for simulation of a striatal MSN network model.
Install the Python NetPyNE environment, as described here:
In short:
conda create -n "mynetpyne" python=3.7
conda activate mynetpyne
pip install neuron
pip install netpyne
Download the code into a single directory. In the same directory compile the mod files on the command line :
nrnivmodl mechanisms
To execute as mpi process:
Set the number of cores, 'numprocs' in
Then on the command line : nrniv -python
Simulations will be started for each of the grid of parameter sets in Each simulation will be given numprocs processes. A directory 't42_data' will be created with the output files. Remove or rename this directory to run the code again.
To run a single simulation on a single core:
nrniv -python
In this case output files will be in the same directory.