A (likely) rough, working example of how to hook an nginx (OpenResty) reverse proxy up to Kafka and push request/response payloads.
The scenario that I wanted to prove out was:
- an application server proxied through NGINX
- push request and response payloads to Kafka
- zero changes to application code
- minimal effort in deploying/configuring
- Confluent OSS containers are used for convenience. You should be able to use whichever flavour of Kafka you so choose.
There are a couple of assumptions made here that qualifies as "Works on My Machine":
- Assuming that you've downloaded and unpacked Kafka
- You're using the latest Docker toolkit, including
- Running
docker-compose up
binds to ports on the host machine. If on a Mac using the latest toolkit, this will likely belocalhost
. YMMV for other operating systems.
docker-compose build
Adding the kafka and zookeeper aliases to the Docker containers so that you can use them from apps running on your machine. localhost kafka zookeeper
docker-compose up
bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test
bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --topic test
Using HTTPie:
http --verify=no https://localhost/ name=test
Or curl:
curl -d '{"name":"test"}' -X POST -k https://localhost/
... or of course, just use a browser and navigate to https://localhost/.
Assuming everything is up, running, and connected, you should see the Tomcat homepage wherever you called it from, and the following in the terminal window running the Kafka kafka-console-consumer
{"response":"<snipped content>","request":{}}
If you used a browser, there will be several of these - you'll also see the output of messages for CSS, images, and so on.