Keys is a simple password management tool. It provides a wrapper and interface for GPG, making it easy to store and access passwords.
Install GPG and fzf.
- For MacOS:
brew install gpg fzf
- If you prefer to use skim, put
export SELECTOR="sk"
in your shell's config file.
Create a GPG key.
gpg --full-generate-key
- Make sure you give your key a good password!
- I configure my keys like this.
- key kind: RSA and RSA
- key size: 4096
- valid for: 1y
- You can learn more about GPG here.
Clone this repo.
git clone
Add the executable to your path. Here are some options for how:
- Add the whole directory:
- Copy into current path:
cp keys ~/.local/bin/
- Link to it (my preference):
ln -s ~/repos/keys/keys ~/.local/bin/keys
You can retrieve a key using keys
- lists your keys so you can select one
- attempts to unlock with key with GPG
- copies its password to your clipboad
- prints its username
Add a key named github with keys add github
Update a key using keys update
- allows you to change username or password
You can remove a key with keys remove
or keys rm
Keys can generate a password for you when adding or updating a key.
GPG handles the passowrd prompts and can cache your password for a short time.