Web application, which purpose is to help you maintain your diet by calculating caloric demand and managing meals so as not to exceed it. Visit this site and try it yourself!
- calculate your caloric demand based on various personal traits
- track calories throughout each day divided into carbohydrates, fats and proteins presented as progress bars
- easily add new meals containing different ingriedients
- manage your favorite products, each with defined amount of macroelements
Incoming features:
- splitting meals
Foodie is a Progressive Web Application (PWA) developed in .NetCore 3.0 as backend and Angular 7 as frontend. It uses MSSQL Server as DBMS and because PWA needs SSL to actually work, Nginx serves as reverse-proxy server using Let's Encrypt certificate. All of this contenerized in Docker.
In order to trust app locally, cert nginx/localhost.crt need to be trusted.
Double click -> Install certificate and insert it in Trusted Root Certification Authorities storage.
Hit one command:
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain nginx/localhost.crt