Notice: This project isn't under active development.
I recomend you trying one of the the other libraries like:

This projects allows you to quickly and easily fetch data from
The methods for getting the daily forecast have changed names. So instead of: dailyForecastWeatherByCityName:withCount:withCallback:
they are now called: dailyForecastWeatherByCityName:withCount:andCallback:
Added new methods for setting the lang
parameter to the api:
- (void) setLangWithPreferedLanguage;
- (void) setLang:(NSString *) lang;
- (NSString *) lang;
The method setLangWithPreferedLanguage
sets the lang parameter according to the prefered language on the phone.
Using the API is really simple if you have CocoaPods installed.
Add the dependency to your
pod 'OpenWeatherMapAPI', '~> 0.0.5'
Include the header
#import "OWMWeatherAPI.h"
. -
Setup the api:
// Setup weather api OWMWeatherAPI *weatherAPI = [[OWMWeatherAPI alloc] initWithAPIKey:@"YOUR-API-KEY"];
Select the default temperature format (defaults to Celsius)
[weatherAPI setTemperatureFormat:kOWMTempCelcius];
The api is at this time just simple wrapper for the http-api. So to get the current weather for
the city Odense
you can call it like this:
[weatherAPI currentWeatherByCityName:@"Odense" withCallback:^(NSError *error, NSDictionary *result) {
if (error) {
// handle the error
// The data is ready
NSString *cityName = result[@"name"];
NSNumber *currentTemp = result[@"main"][@"temp"];
The result data is a NSDictionary
that looks like
this (json):
coord: {
lon: 10.38831,
lat: 55.395939
sys: {
country: "DK",
sunrise: 1371695759, // this is an NSDate
sunset: 1371758660 // this is also converted to a NSDate
weather: [
id: 800,
main: "Clear",
description: "Sky is Clear",
icon: "01d"
base: "global stations",
main: {
temp: 295.006, // this is the the temperature format you´ve selected
temp_min: 295.006, // --"--
temp_max: 295.006, // --"--
pressure: 1020.58,
sea_level: 1023.73,
grnd_level: 1020.58,
humidity: 80
wind: {
speed: 6.47,
deg: 40.0018
clouds: {
all: 0
dt: 1371756382,
id: 2615876,
name: "Odense",
cod: 200
See an example in the OWMViewController.m
The following methods are available at this time:
current weather by city name:
-(void) currentWeatherByCityName:(NSString *) name
withCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;
current weather by coordinate:
-(void) currentWeatherByCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D) coordinate
withCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;
current weather by city id:
-(void) currentWeatherByCityId:(NSString *) cityId
withCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;
forecast by city name:
-(void) forecastWeatherByCityName:(NSString *) name
withCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;
forecast by coordinate:
-(void) forecastWeatherByCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D) coordinate
withCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;
forecast by city id:
-(void) forecastWeatherByCityId:(NSString *) cityId
withCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;
daily forecast by city name:
-(void) dailyForecastWeatherByCityName:(NSString *) name
withCount:(int) count
andCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;
daily forecast by coordinates:
-(void) dailyForecastWeatherByCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D) coordinate
withCount:(int) count
andCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;
daily forecast by city id:
-(void) dailyForecastWeatherByCityId:(NSString *) cityId
withCount:(int) count
andCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;
search for a city by name:
-(void) searchForCityName:(NSString *) name
withCount:(int) count
andCallback:( void (^)( NSError* error, NSDictionary *result ) )callback;