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Translation plug-in for VIM based on the Yandex.Translate service


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Translation inside VIM

Functionality for translating text with
the Yandex.Translate service


The VIM is a great tool for editing text. Even more, it can become more valuable and attractive tool with the ability of translating text on the fly. Just imagine that it whould allow you to select a text, use several key presses and get the text translated to another language shown in a separate window. This is what the yaTranslator plugin created for. It helps translate a text inside VIM with the power of the Yandex.Translate service.

Demo Screenshot

2. System Requirements

The yaTranslater plugin requires:

  • VIM with built-in ruby support
  • CURL utility installed in the host system

2.1 Ruby

To find out whether your VIM has it build-in or not use the following command:


Or just type the next command into the VIM's command-line:

:ruby print "yaTranslator"

The result must be:


You might need to configure rubydll to point to the exact library path. For example, on Mac OS in might look like this:

set rubydll=/usr/local/lib/libruby.dylib

To learn more about the 'rubydll' option please visit VIM's documentation:

:help rubydll

2.1 Curl

To find out whether your system has Curl utility or not use the next VIM command:

:!curl --version

3. Configuration

The yaTranslator plugin's configuration interface is implemented with the object-oriented concept in mide. First, the instance of the yaTranslator object must be created:

let yaTranslator = yaTranslator#New()

Then, the value of the Yandex.Translate service API key must be specified (please refer to "" to know how to obtain a free API key)

let yaTranslator.key = "API key here"

The url of the Yandex.Translate service is set to "". But it is allowed to configure the url to something different through the "url" field of the yaTranslator object. For ex:

let yaTranslator.url = "the URL other then the default one"

Now the yaTranslator object is configured and ready to be used.

4. Usage

So far, the yaTranslator object has been created and configured. Now it is time to add translation support. Let's configure the translation from English language to Russian one.
The yaTranslator object has method "add" with three parameters:

  • key sequence to be used to initiate translation;
  • language code to translate the text from
  • language code to translate the text to

(To find out the full list of supported languages and their codes refer to "")

call yaTranslator.add('<leader>t', 'en', 'ru')

Now the translation support is added and ready to be used. For example, to translate a word of English text type the next key sequence (it is assumed that the leader key is '\' ) when in normal mode:


The preview window with the text translated to Russian language must be shown.

The same way the text selected in visual mode can be translated. Just select some English text with visual selection and then type '\t'. And again the preview window with the text translated to Russian language is shown.

The yaTranslator object has another useful method called "translate". The primary purpose of this method is to be used inside user's VimScript. It has three parameters:

  • language code to translate the text from
  • language code to translate the text to
  • the text to be translated

The result of the method is a VimScript dictionary object. For example, to translate the text "Hello World!" and echo the result the next code might be used:

echo string(yaTranslator.translate("en", "ru", "Hello World!")) 

In case of success the response should look like somethig shown below:

{'lang': 'en-ru', 'code': 200, 'text': ['Всем Привет!']} 

To find out the structure of the response refer to JSON response described in "".

5. Example

Add the following code to your VIMRC file for support of translation from English language to Russian language and wise versa.

" Create and configure yaTranslator instance
let yaTranslator = yaTranslator#New()
let yaTranslator.key = "API key here"

" Add translation support for translation 
call yaTranslator.add('<leader>t', 'en', 'ru')
call yaTranslator.add('<leader>T', 'ru', 'en')

Reload VIMRC file (or restart VIM). Now, the "<leader>t" can be used for translation of visually selected text (visual mode selection) or text selected with operators (such as: w, b, aw, ap, etc.) from English to Russian and use "<leader>T" to do translation from Russian to English.


Translation plug-in for VIM based on the Yandex.Translate service







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