Export Instagram Posts into WordPress Posts
- Have WordPress Administrator Prvileges
- Have Username/Password to Instagram Account
- Navigate to your blog's /wp-admin endpoint and on the left sidebar, select Users.
- Select a user with media and posting privilieges. Your administrator user is fine.
- Scroll to the bottom where it says "Application Passwords". Add a new application password. Give it whatever name you want. Hold onto these credentials.
- Visit the Instaloader Github for information on installation, configuration, and exececution.
- Upon running the application, you will have a directory containing files ending in
, and.txt
. Make a note of this directory location. You will need it later.
Install the IG2WP python application from source. You may pip install directly from Github as shown below.
pip install ig2wp
For developmental versions, use the following:
pip install git+https://github.com/aderbique/ig2wp.git
You have the option of specifying the parameters on each runtime, or by saving the contents to a configuration file. The -w
parameter writes your variables to the config file for you.
$ ig2wp -s https://my-wordpress-blog.com -u <your wp username> -p '<the application password you generated>' -d </path/to/instaloader/account> -want
$ ig2wp -s https://blog.derbique.us -u austin -p '5EC5 PpLf 5rVn Ekwe 8JWE KWEP' -d '~/instaloader/austinadventure' -w
Simply edit the file after it's generated
vim ~/.ig2wp/config.ini
Please submit bug reports through Github