I work with passion, a passion which is programming and which I develop every day. In every free moment I learn new technologies and gain knowledge that allows me to create more and more advanced and innovative solutions. I regularly read thematic books and participate in online courses to develop my skills. I enjoy challenging myself and solving non-trivial problems that require creativity and logical thinking.
An online store application that allows users to add and manage products through an administration panel, and allows users to register, login and place orders.
Stack: Spring Boot, Spring Secuirty, Spring Data, Hibernate, MySQL, Postman
✔️ Clean Code - Martin Robert C.
✔️ Break into the Brain - Radoslaw Kotarski
⏳ Effective Java, 3rd Edition - Bloch Joshua
❌ Clean Architecture - Martin Robert C.
❌ Grokking Algorithms - Aditya Y Bhargava