Fast-SG is an alignment-free algorithm for ultrafast scaffolding graph construction from short or long reads.
git clone
Obtain pre-compiled binaries from:
or compile yourself following the instructions provided in:
Obtain pre-compiled binaries from:
or compile yourself following the instructions provided in:
After getting KMC3, put the binaries inside Fast-SG directory, specifically in:
make all
c++ compiler; compilation was tested with g++ version 5.3 (Linux) and clang version 4.2 (Mac OSX).
make test
Currently Fast-SG uses the following C++ opensource libraries:
1.- kseqcpp ( checkout cfa50bcd17bbcb3225d431df4a2c1396f58a0993)
2.- ntHash ( checkout ff326a8c9ccf6186f42c1f49950c1ebaadbd7f7a)
3.- BBHash ( checkout 99c905828a58fa119979df5c26bdbea93f0a7696)
4,- quasi_dictionary ( checkout 9e8c64b150b129035f92d010a12085bd6c9490f0) is the wrapper script used to run FastSG++.
FAST-SG requires 4 mandatory arguments:
1.- The k-mer size (-k) restricted to the range [12-256]
2.- The set of contig sequences (-r) in FASTA format.
3.- The output prefix (-p)
4.- The read configuration file (-r) having the following format (space separated):
Short reads:
#type libID Path(fwd) Path(rev) SAM(1:single 2:paired)
short lib1 example/ecoli.ill-sim.fwd.fq.gz example/ecoli.ill-sim.rev.fq.gz 1
Long reads:
#type libID Path(long read) Insert-sizes SAM(1:single 2:paired)
long pac example/ECOLI-PACSEQ.subset.fasta.gz 1000,2000,3000,5000 1
long ont example/ECOLI-ONT-1D.subset.fasta.gz 1000,2000,3000,5000 1
Example of a read configuration file can be found in examples/ecoli-reads.txt
./ -k 15 -l example/ecoli-reads.txt -r example/ecoli-illumina.fa.gz -p test
./ -k 15-25:5 -l example/ecoli-reads.txt -r example/ecoli-illumina.fa.gz -p test
./ --help
The wiki page provide a full example of the use of Fast-SG for the hybrid assembly of NA12878.
Fast-SG software distributed under MIT licence
Alex Di Genova, Gonzalo A Ruz, Marie-France Sagot, Alejandro Maass; Fast-SG: an alignment-free algorithm for hybrid assembly, GigaScience, Volume 7, Issue 5, 1 May 2018, giy048, link