This Python library can scrape the Passmark websites in order to fetch various benchmark results. It can sort the benchmark results based on varius critera, such as the score, rank, and the value of the part. It can also search through the listings for a specific search query. Additionally, this uses no external libraries outide of the ones included in Python.
The websites that this program can scrape are:
To use this, just download and put it inside the same directory as your Python program.
Example usage:
from scraper import Scraper
scraper = Scraper("")
#search for a specific term
search_results ="rtx 3090", limit=10)
#sort the results based on their value
sorted_results = scraper.get_sorted_list(sort_by="value", order="descending", limit=20)
for result in search_results:
print(result[1], "| ", result[0]["name"])
for result in sorted_results:
print(result[1], "| ", result[0]["name"])
To use it, specifiy the domain that you want to get data from. All the other functions are contained inside this class.
Valid values:
Anything else will raise a ValueError.
from scraper import scraper
scraper = scraper = Scraper("")
You can get all the items in the database using Scraper.items
. This returns a list containing all the results.
If you want to refresh the cached results, use Scraper.scrape()
Simply use
. Optionally, you can use the limit
argument to limit the number of results returned. This returns a list containing the results of your search. Note that this won't refresh the cached items. You'll have to use Scraper.scrape()
to refresh it.
You can sort the items using Scraper.get_sorted_list(sort_by=critera)
Valid search critera:
:'cat', 'cores', 'cpuCount', 'cpumark', 'date', 'href', 'id', 'logicals', 'name', 'output', 'powerPerf', 'price', 'rank', 'samples', 'socket', 'speed', 'tdp', 'thread', 'threadValue', 'turbo', 'value']
:'bus', 'cat', 'coreClk', 'date', 'g2d', 'g3d', 'href', 'id', 'memClk', 'memSize', 'name', 'output', 'powerPerf', 'price', 'rank', 'samples', 'tdp', 'value']
:'date', 'diskmark', 'href', 'id', 'name', 'output', 'price', 'rank', 'samples', 'size', 'type', 'value']
Optional arguments:
: can either be "ascending" or "descending"limit
: an int, limits the amount of results returneditem_type
: forces a specific value type. Valid values are:['string', 'number', 'bool', 'size', 'speed', 'date']
This returns a list containing all the results, sorted using the specified critera. This also doesn't refresh the cache.
You can get a specific item using Scraper.get_item(item_id)