This repository documents my journey through the 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp by Dr. Angela Yu on Udemy. It includes my notes, projects, and key takeaways from each day.
This bootcamp is designed to take a beginner to an advanced Python programmer through hands-on coding exercises, real-world projects, and in-depth topics such as Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), web development, data science, and automation.
Throughout the 100 Days of Python, I explored:
- Python Basics: Variables, Data Types, Conditionals, Loops, Functions
- Intermediate Python: List & Dictionary Comprehension, Error Handling, File Handling
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Classes, Objects, Methods, Inheritance
- Data Science & Analysis: Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib
- Automation & Web Scraping: Selenium, BeautifulSoup, Requests
- APIs & Database Management: Working with REST APIs, SQL, Firebase
- GUI Development: Tkinter for building desktop applications
- Game Development: Turtle module, PyGame
- Web Development: Flask, HTML, CSS
- Machine Learning & AI Concepts
- Cybersecurity & Ethical Hacking Basics
Each day includes a hands-on project to reinforce learning. Some major projects include:
- Band Name Generator
- Tip Calculator
- Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
- Password Generator
- Coffee Machine Simulation (OOP-based)
- Quiz App (Fetching data from Open Trivia API)
- Pomodoro Timer (Tkinter GUI)
- Email Automation & Birthday Wisher
- Stock Market News App
- Habit Tracker using Google Sheets API
- Flashcard App (Tkinter)
- Web Scraping Amazon Prices
- Web-based Blog using Flask
- Building an Authentication & Authorization System
📂 my_100_days_of_python_jouney
│── 📜 Day 1-14 Notes
│── 📜 Day 15+ Notes (Ongoing)
│── 📂 Projects
│── 📂 Scripts
│── 📜 (This File)
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Explore the notes and projects by day.
- Try running the Python scripts to reinforce learning.
This repository is part of my learning journey, but feel free to open issues or pull requests if you want to collaborate!
The 100 Days of Python challenge was an incredible journey that helped me level up my Python skills. If you're considering taking this course, I highly recommend it!
🚀 Happy Coding!