This is an application where we record exercise data.
The model for the exercise class has the following properties: {Id INT, DateStart DateTime, DateEnd DateTime, Duration TimeSpan, Description string}
Entity Framework is used for data-persistence.
The application has the following classes: UserInput, ExerciseController, ExerciseService (where business logic is handled) and ExerciseRepository.
Microsoft SQLServer as the database.
The controller of the application is made lean by using dependency injection to access the Exercise Service. The Exercise Service also uses DI to access the Exercise Repository.
Following screenshots show some app functionalities.
Option Menu
Create Workout
To run create a .env file in the root directory of the Database project(ExerciseTracker.ASV.Db) and add the following properties
- CONNECTION_STRING=Connection string to your database
To create database locally run the below command in your NuGet Package Manager Console:
- dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
- dotnet ef database update
Now start the Web API(ExerciseTracker.ASV.DB) project and the console app(ExerciseTracker.ASV) separately.