This project written by:
Adi Yafe
Nir Geron
Gal Aqua
This project deal with detection stars by using Stellarium's API and telescope.
the result is given by using the data (Latitude, GPS, Longtitude) from the user's smartphone device
after detection, the user will get links for more info about the found stars
Stellarium provides us an infrastructure of telescope and data
about stars, patterns of stars and more.
With Metadata we provide output on accurate identification of constellations and planets
After the user uploads a picture to the app, we provide a screenshot from our virtual telescope (Stellarium), with star detection of the founds stars and planets, the user can click on each found star link and it will open the Wikipedia page of the specific star the backend will be written in python, and the front in JavaScript (links in How to run)
Install Stellarium for WIN
for Mac
users Stellarium for MAC
Clone the Frontend
Clone the Backend
Download Expo Go for iOS
Download Expo Go for Android