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Demonstration 2

Steven Galgano edited this page Apr 10, 2017 · 6 revisions


This demonstration consists of a series of activities used to introduce the RF Pipe radio model.


Background information for this demonstration includes:

Activity 1 - Using RF Pipe as a simple surrogate for other waveforms

This activity will introduce the RF Pipe radio model and show how to configure the model to mimic certain characterics of other waveforms.

  1. Change directory into the Demonstration 2 directory

    [me@host emane-tutorial]$ cd 2
  2. Starting this demonstration will produce the following network

    Let's take a look at the platform.xml file and see how to configure this topology. This is the most complicated emulator configuration in the entire tutorial, but the basic mechanisms for configuring NEMs still hold.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE platform SYSTEM "file:///usr/share/emane/dtd/platform.dtd">
      <param name="otamanagerchannelenable" value="off"/>
      <param name="eventservicegroup" value=""/>
      <param name="eventservicedevice" value="lo"/>
      <param name="controlportendpoint" value=""/>
      <nem id="1" definition="rfpipenem.xml" transport="external">
        <param name="platformendpoint" value=""/>
        <param name="transportendpoint" value=""/>
        <transport definition="transvirtual.xml">
          <param name="address" value=""/>
          <param name="mask" value=""/>
          <param name="frequencyofinterest" value="2.347G"/> 
          <param name="frequency" value="2.347G"/>
      <nem id="2" definition="rfpipenem.xml" transport="external">
        <param name="platformendpoint" value=""/>
        <param name="transportendpoint" value=""/>
        <transport definition="transvirtual.xml">
          <param name="address" value=""/>
          <param name="mask" value=""/>
          <param name="frequencyofinterest" value="2.347G"/> 
          <param name="frequency" value="2.347G"/>
      <nem id="3" definition="rfpipenem.xml" transport="external">
        <param name="platformendpoint" value=""/>
        <param name="transportendpoint" value=""/>
        <transport definition="transvirtual.xml" group="3-8">
          <param name="address" value=""/>
          <param name="mask" value=""/>
          <param name="frequencyofinterest" value="2.347G"/> 
          <param name="frequency" value="2.347G"/>
      <nem id="4" definition="rfpipenem.xml" transport="external">
        <param name="platformendpoint" value=""/>
        <param name="transportendpoint" value=""/>
        <transport definition="transvirtual.xml">
          <param name="address" value=""/>
          <param name="mask" value=""/>
          <param name="frequencyofinterest" value="3G"/> 
          <param name="frequency" value="3G"/>
      <nem id="5" definition="rfpipenem.xml" transport="external">
        <param name="platformendpoint" value=""/>
        <param name="transportendpoint" value=""/>
        <transport definition="transvirtual.xml">
          <param name="address" value=""/>
          <param name="mask" value=""/>
          <param name="frequencyofinterest" value="3G"/> 
          <param name="frequency" value="3G"/>
      <nem id="6" definition="rfpipenem.xml" transport="external">
        <param name="platformendpoint" value=""/>
        <param name="transportendpoint" value=""/>
        <transport definition="transvirtual.xml" group="9-6">
          <param name="address" value=""/>
          <param name="mask" value=""/>
          <param name="frequencyofinterest" value="3G"/> 
          <param name="frequency" value="3G"/>
      <nem id="7" definition="satcomnem.xml" transport="external">
        <param name="platformendpoint" value=""/>
        <param name="transportendpoint" value=""/>
        <transport definition="transvirtual.xml">
          <param name="address" value=""/>
          <param name="mask" value=""/>
      <nem id="8" definition="satcomnem.xml" transport="external">
        <param name="platformendpoint" value=""/>
        <param name="transportendpoint" value=""/>
        <transport definition="transvirtual.xml" group="3-8">
          <param name="device" value="emane1"/>
          <param name="address" value=""/>
          <param name="mask" value=""/>
      <nem id="9" definition="satcomnem.xml" transport="external">
        <param name="platformendpoint" value=""/>
        <param name="transportendpoint" value=""/>
        <transport definition="transvirtual.xml" group="9-6">
          <param name="device" value="emane1"/>
          <param name="address" value=""/>
          <param name="mask" value=""/>

    The first thing you probably noticed is that all of the NEMs in this demonstration will be instantiated by a single emulator instance. Depending on your scenario and radio model resource requirements, there may be performance issues when running multiple NEMs per emulator instance. In this case, we'll be fine.

    This demonstration creates 3 RF Pipe networks at difference frequencies:

    1. 2.1GHz SatCom network
    2. 2.347GHz Radio Network
    3. 3GHz Radio Network

    All three networks have 3 NEMs each. Each Radio Network contains one test node with two transport boundary instances. These transport boundary instances are associated with two vifs: emane0 and emane1. The olsrd routing protocol is configured to route traffic between the two interfaces. We can think of these two test nodes: node-3 and node-6 as multichannel gateways.

    There are two NEM definitions being used: rfpipenem.xml and satcomnem.xml. Both use the same rfpipemac.xml definition so we can start there.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE mac SYSTEM "file:///usr/share/emane/dtd/mac.dtd">
    <mac library="rfpipemaclayer">
      <param name="enablepromiscuousmode" value="off"/>
      <param name="datarate"              value="1M"/>
      <param name="jitter"                value="0"/>
      <param name="delay"                 value="0"/>
      <param name="flowcontrolenable"     value="off"/>
      <param name="flowcontroltokens"     value="10"/>
      <param name="pcrcurveuri"

    For this demonstration we are interested in the following two RF Pipe parameters:

    1. datarate
    2. delay

    The rfpipenem.xml definition does not override any of the radio model parameters in rfpipemac.xml. Unless configuration parameters are specified in a <mac> element as part of an NEM using the rfpipenem.xml definition , the radio model values in rfpipemac.xml will be used.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE nem SYSTEM "file:///usr/share/emane/dtd/nem.dtd">
      <transport definition="transvirtual.xml"/>
      <mac definition="rfpipemac.xml"/>
        <param name="fixedantennagain"         value="0.0"/>
        <param name="fixedantennagainenable"   value="on"/>
            <param name="bandwidth"                value="1M"/>
        <param name="noisemode"                value="outofband"/>
        <param name="propagationmodel"         value="precomputed"/>
        <param name="systemnoisefigure"        value="4.0"/>
        <param name="subid"                    value="2"/>
        <param name="txpower"                  value="0.0"/>

    The satcomnem.xml definition overrides the datarate and the delay parameters. Unless the same configuration parameters are specified in a <mac> element as part of an NEM using the satcomnem.xml definition, these values for datarate and delay will be used.

    The satcomnem.xml definition also changes the default transmit frequency to 2.1GHz. You must add every frequency that you intend to receive on to the physical layer's frequencyofinterest parameter. It is not enough to just set frequency.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE nem SYSTEM "file:///usr/share/emane/dtd/nem.dtd">
      <transport definition="transvirtual.xml"/>
      <mac definition="rfpipemac.xml">
        <param name="datarate"                 value="100K"/>
        <param name="delay"                    value=".1"/>
        <param name="fixedantennagain"         value="0.0"/>
        <param name="fixedantennagainenable"   value="on"/>
        <param name="bandwidth"                value="1M"/>
        <param name="noisemode"                value="outofband"/>
        <param name="propagationmodel"         value="precomputed"/>
        <param name="systemnoisefigure"        value="4.0"/>
        <param name="txpower"                  value="0.0"/>
        <param name="subid"                    value="10"/>
        <param name="frequencyofinterest"      value="2.1G"/> 
        <param name="frequency"                value="2.1G"/>

    You probably also noticed that this demonstration uses external transports. Take a closer look at the NEM 1 definition in patform.xml.

    <nem id="1" definition="rfpipenem.xml" transport="external">
      <param name="platformendpoint" value=""/>
      <param name="transportendpoint" value=""/>
        <param name="frequencyofinterest" value="2.347G"/> 
        <param name="frequency" value="2.347G"/>
      <transport definition="transvirtual.xml">
        <param name="address" value=""/>
        <param name="mask" value=""/>

    The <nem> element's transport attribute is set to external and both platformendpoint and transportendpoint parameters are set. NEM 1 will transmit messages destined for its respective transport boundary to Likewise, it will listen on an endpoint bound to for messages sent by its respective transport boundary. These transport messages are sent via UDP datagrams.

    Let's take a look at transportdaemon1.xml. This is the XML input file for emanetransportd, the application instantiating the external transport for NEM 1.

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE transportdaemon SYSTEM "file:///usr/share/emane/dtd/transportdaemon.dtd">
      <instance nemid="1">
        <param name="platformendpoint" value=""/>
        <param name="transportendpoint" value=""/>
        <transport definition="transvirtual.xml">
          <param name="mask" value=""/>
          <param name="address" value=""/>

    You might be thinking: Wow, that is pretty redundant. It is all the same information. If so, you are correct. No worries, 99.9% of the time you will not have to hand edit emanetransportd configuration. You can use the emanegentransportxml script to generate the required input files from platform XML.

    [me@chaos 2]$ chmod u+w transportdaemon?.xml && emanegentransportxml -v platform*.xml
    processing XML: platform.xml
    processing XML: rfpipenem.xml
    processing XML: transvirtual.xml
    processing XML: rfpipenem.xml
    processing XML: transvirtual.xml
    processing XML: rfpipenem.xml
    processing XML: transvirtual.xml
    processing XML: rfpipenem.xml
    processing XML: transvirtual.xml
    processing XML: rfpipenem.xml
    processing XML: transvirtual.xml
    processing XML: rfpipenem.xml
    processing XML: transvirtual.xml
    processing XML: satcomnem.xml
    processing XML: transvirtual.xml
    processing XML: satcomnem.xml
    processing XML: transvirtual.xml
    processing XML: satcomnem.xml
    processing XML: transvirtual.xml
    generating XML: transportdaemon1.xml
    generating XML: transportdaemon2.xml
    generating XML: transportdaemon3.xml
    generating XML: transportdaemon4.xml
    generating XML: transportdaemon5.xml
    generating XML: transportdaemon6.xml
    generating XML: transportdaemon7.xml

    The chmod u+w transportdaemon?.xml portion of the command was only required if you would like to try now for yourself. The tutorial test flow generates these files for you and makes them read-only as a reminder that you don't need to edit them.

  3. Start the demonstration with demo-start.

    [me@host 2]$ sudo ./demo-start
  4. Start up the OLSR topology viewer

    [me@host 2]$ ../scripts/ &

    After events are published (roughly 30 seconds after demo-start) and dragging your nodes around the topology canvas you should see something that looks like this:

  5. Lets see what emanesh can tell us about the running emulation. We can use the show command to see which NEMs are running in the emulator instance and get config to see the running configuration.

    In this demonstration, the emulator instance is running on the host so we can connect to the EMANE Shell via locahost.

    [me@host ~]$ emanesh localhost
    [emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## show
    nem 1   mac(rfpipemaclayer) phy(emanephy)
    nem 2   mac(rfpipemaclayer) phy(emanephy)
    nem 3   mac(rfpipemaclayer) phy(emanephy)
    nem 4   mac(rfpipemaclayer) phy(emanephy)
    nem 5   mac(rfpipemaclayer) phy(emanephy)
    nem 6   mac(rfpipemaclayer) phy(emanephy)
    nem 7   mac(rfpipemaclayer) phy(emanephy)
    nem 8   mac(rfpipemaclayer) phy(emanephy)
    nem 9   mac(rfpipemaclayer) phy(emanephy)
    [emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## get config nems mac delay
    nem 1   mac  delay = 0.0
    nem 2   mac  delay = 0.0
    nem 3   mac  delay = 0.0
    nem 4   mac  delay = 0.0
    nem 5   mac  delay = 0.0
    nem 6   mac  delay = 0.0
    nem 7   mac  delay = 0.10000000149
    nem 8   mac  delay = 0.10000000149
    nem 9   mac  delay = 0.10000000149
    [emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## get config nems phy frequency frequencyofinterest
    nem 1   phy  frequency = 2347000000
    nem 1   phy  frequencyofinterest = 2347000000
    nem 2   phy  frequency = 2347000000
    nem 2   phy  frequencyofinterest = 2347000000
    nem 3   phy  frequency = 2347000000
    nem 3   phy  frequencyofinterest = 2347000000
    nem 4   phy  frequency = 3000000000
    nem 4   phy  frequencyofinterest = 3000000000
    nem 5   phy  frequency = 3000000000
    nem 5   phy  frequencyofinterest = 3000000000
    nem 6   phy  frequency = 3000000000
    nem 6   phy  frequencyofinterest = 3000000000
    nem 7   phy  frequency = 2100000000
    nem 7   phy  frequencyofinterest = 2100000000
    nem 8   phy  frequency = 2100000000
    nem 8   phy  frequencyofinterest = 2100000000
    nem 9   phy  frequency = 2100000000
    nem 9   phy  frequencyofinterest = 2100000000

    All get commands are similar, if you do not specify a name it will retrieve everything. You should also try hitting the Tab key. The shell does a smart auto-complete of all statistic, statistic table, and configuration parameter names, as well as NEM Ids present and their layers. If you do a get or a set on different model layers at the same time using all, the auto-complete will only show you the union of the item types you are requesting.

    [emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## get config 1 all 
    nem 1   mac  datarate = 1000000
    nem 1   mac  delay = 0.0
    nem 1   mac  enablepromiscuousmode = False
    nem 1   mac  flowcontrolenable = False
    nem 1   mac  flowcontroltokens = 10
    nem 1   mac  jitter = 0.0
    nem 1   mac  neighbormetricdeletetime = 60.0
    nem 1   mac  pcrcurveuri = file:///usr/share/emane/xml/models/mac/rfpipe/rfpipepcr.xml
    nem 1   mac  radiometricenable = False
    nem 1   mac  radiometricreportinterval = 1.0
    nem 1   phy  bandwidth = 1000000
    nem 1   phy  fixedantennagain = 0.0
    nem 1   phy  fixedantennagainenable = True
    nem 1   phy  frequency = 2347000000
    nem 1   phy  frequencyofinterest = 2347000000
    nem 1   phy  noisebinsize = 20
    nem 1   phy  noisemaxclampenable = False
    nem 1   phy  noisemaxmessagepropagation = 200000
    nem 1   phy  noisemaxsegmentduration = 1000000
    nem 1   phy  noisemaxsegmentoffset = 300000
    nem 1   phy  noisemode = outofband
    nem 1   phy  propagationmodel = precomputed
    nem 1   phy  subid = 2
    nem 1   phy  systemnoisefigure = 4.0
    nem 1   phy  timesyncthreshold = 10000
    nem 1   phy  txpower = 0.0
  6. Open a terminal and ssh to node-1 and let's do a little pinging.

    [me@host 2]$ ssh node-1

    First lets ping the multi-channel gateway in node-1's Radio Network: radio-3

    [me@node-1 ~]$ ping radio-3 -c 5
    PING radio-3 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from radio-3 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.48 ms
    64 bytes from radio-3 ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=2.47 ms
    64 bytes from radio-3 ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=2.50 ms
    64 bytes from radio-3 ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=2.33 ms
    64 bytes from radio-3 ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=2.49 ms
    --- radio-3 ping statistics ---
    5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4005ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 2.334/2.458/2.508/0.089 ms

    Next lets go up one leg of the SatCom link:

    [me@node-1 ~]$ ping -c 5
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=219 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=219 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=219 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=63 time=219 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=63 time=219 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4004ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 219.061/219.267/219.483/0.533 ms

    Now lets ping down to the other SatCom leg:

    [me@node-1 ~]$ ping -c 5
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=62 time=729 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=62 time=459 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=62 time=458 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=62 time=480 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=62 time=544 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4000ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 458.559/534.615/729.210/102.259 ms

    Each leg of the SatComm link adds a 100msec delay. Since we are pinging, it will add 200msec to the RTT.

  7. Now lets say we want to increase the delay for all packets transmitted from NEM 8 to 200msec. We have two options. We can change the XML and restart the emulation or we can use emanesh to change the running configuration of NEM 8.

    emanesh (localhost:47000)] ## set config 8 mac delay=.2
    nem 8   mac  configuration updated

    Now lets try the single SatCom hop ping again.

    [me@node-1 ~]$ ping -c 5
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=319 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=319 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=355 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=63 time=319 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=63 time=319 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4000ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 319.109/326.765/355.920/14.578 ms
  8. Once you are finished, stop the demonstration with demo-stop.

    [me@host 2]$ sudo ./demo-stop

Activity 2 - Demystifying the EMANE Shell

This activity will show how emanesh is aware of NEM component plugin information.

  1. Take another look at rfpipemac.xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE mac SYSTEM "file:///usr/share/emane/dtd/mac.dtd">
    <mac library="rfpipemaclayer">
      <param name="enablepromiscuousmode" value="off"/>
      <param name="datarate"              value="1M"/>
      <param name="jitter"                value="0"/>
      <param name="delay"                 value="0"/>
      <param name="flowcontrolenable"     value="off"/>
      <param name="flowcontroltokens"     value="10"/>
      <param name="pcrcurveuri"

    The library attribute tells you the name of the radio model plugin: rfpipemaclayer.

  2. Using the emaneinfo application, we can generate an XML manifest detailing the configuration parameters, statistics, and statistic tables a plugin makes available.

    Give it a try. The resulting document is too big to be useful here.

    [me@host 2]$ emaneinfo rfpipemaclayer -m

    The schema for the manifest is installed in /usr/share/emane/schema/manifest.xsd.

  3. You can generate a manifest for any emane plugin that works with EMANE 0.9 or greater.