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Release proposal for OpenJDK for Eclipse OpenJ9 binaries at AdoptOpenJDK.

jonathanwoodford edited this page Jan 26, 2018 · 3 revisions

Overnight builds

The project will generate nightly (optimistic) OpenJDK with Eclipse OpenJ9 binaries. These will be built by taking the head stream for both the Extensions for OpenJDK for Eclipse OpenJ9 and Eclipse OpenJ9 projects. These will be considered to be unstable builds.

Creation of stable builds

Towards the end of each month, a github issue will be raised at to track the creation of a stable OpenJDK with Eclipse OpenJ9 build. The issue will be used to define the level of the Extensions for OpenJDK for Eclipse OpenJ9 and the level of the Eclipse OpenJ9 level to include.

The issue will contain the instructions required to take the appropriate levels for both projects (provided by the lead of each project). For example:

git clone -b jdk8u152-b16 [email protected]:ibmruntimes/openj9-openjdk-jdk8.git


This will be used to create the OpenJDK with Eclipse OpenJ9 binaries for each platform. Once created and the tests executed at, the issue will be updated with a reference to the test results and link to the binaries (for each platform). This will include an overall status of PASSED or FAILED.

If the overall status is PASSED, all three project teams (Extensions, Eclipse OpenJ9 and will have a vote of 'GO' or 'NO GO'. If a GO call is made by all teams, these binaries will replace the existing set of stable binaries (for this version) on the main download page.

If the overall status is FAILED or a 'NO GO' is asserted from one of the project teams, a new level is specified within the original issue. This iterates until a PASSED and 'GO' statement is achieved from all teams.

Once the images are live on the download site for, the issue can be closed.