Work with XLS files in Railo with POI
Since moving to Railo, I've yet to find a perfect solution to reading and writing XLS files.
After looking at POI in a bit more detail, I decided I would write my own component which makes use of Apache POI to read and write XLS files.
The plan is to start with the very basics, then to add additional functionality as needed.
Built on Railo and with POI 3.8.
As an experiment, Datasheet.cfc is a script based component with no use of semi-colons which makes use of Railo specific features.
Why? To see how it feels to write script with no ; So far it feels great!
There are too many bugs in Railo when leaving semi-colons off the ends of statements so for now they'll be used.
The change in asArrays() from nested for loops to iterators was supposed to clean things up. It worked a little but not as much as I would have liked.
Going from:
for (i) {
for (j) {
for (k) {
// Access cell here
while (sheets) {
while (rows) {
while (cells) {
// Access cell here
made the loops clearer, but then the population of the arrays still needed a current index:
Not as pretty as it could have been.
A change to using WorkbookFactory to remove the need to care about XLS vs XLSX meant the iterators couldn't be used anyway. Plus empty rows and cells were being ignored which meant data was misaligned.
- asQueries() with complete data (no empty cells or rows) and incomplete data.
- Possible use of Cell.getColumnIndex() and Cell.getRowIndex() to reduce the number of loops we do when parsing the cells.