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CodeQL Coding Standards Bundle

The CodeQL Coding Standards Bundle is a CodeQL bundle that includes the queries from the matching CodeQL Coding Standards project that is to be open sourced in July 2022. More information on the CodeQL Coding Standards project can be found in this blog post.

The queries implement the guidelines specified in the following standards targeting the projects using C++ revision 14:

The list of supported rules lists per standard and rule what query, or queries, implement that rule.

How to use the bundle

The bundle can be use with the Github CodeQL Action by preceding the github/codeql-action/init@v2 step with the following step:

- name: Download CodeQL Coding Standards Bundle
  run: |
    gh release download -R advanced-security/codeql-coding-standards-bundle-releases v1.10.0 --pattern 'codeql-coding-standards.tar.gz'

The step initializing the Github CodeQL Action using github/codeql-action/init@v2 can be instructed to use the bundle through the tools key and the queries can be specified through the queries key as follows:

- name: CodeQL Initialize
  uses: github/codeql-action/init@v2
    tools: codeql-coding-standards.tar.gz
    queries: autosar-default,cert-default

The CodeQL Coding Standards Bundle supports the following CodeQL query suites:

  • autosar-default: All the supported AUTOSAR queries that are not audit queries.
  • autosar-required: The AUTOSAR queries with obligation required, and that are not audit queries.
  • autosar-advisory: The AUTOSAR queries with obligation advisory, and that are not audit queries.
  • autosar-audit: The AUTOSAR queries that are audit queries. An audit query provides information that can aid in a manual review of a guideline with enforcement non-automated.
  • cert-default: All the supported CERT queries.

Reporting issues

This project is providing a deployment option for the coding standards queries, but is not in any way involved with the implementation details of those queries. Feel free to open issues encountered when deploying this bundle.

However, any issues encountered (e.g., false positives, false negatives, performance) when applying the coding standards queries to your projects should be reported in the CodeQL Coding Standards issue tracker when that has been made available.


An elaborate user manual will be provided when the CodeQL Coding Standards is open sourced. However the following errors might be troubleshooted if encountered.

Error: Code Scanning could not process the submitted SARIF file

The error can occur using the action github/codeql-action/analyze@v2 or github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2 that uploads the results of the CodeQL analysis with the following reason

rejecting SARIF, as there are more results per run than allowed (25271 > 25000)

This can occur when the CodeQL Coding Standard queries are used on a project that doesn't adhere to the standard resulting a one or more queries returning a large number of alerts. The following steps can be used to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. When using the github/codeql-action/analyze@v2, disable the automatic uploading of the SARIF file as follows:
    - name: CodeQL Analyze
      uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v2
         upload: "false"
  2. Upload the SARIF file with the actions/ as follows:
    - name: Upload SARIF
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
         name: results
         path: "../results"
  3. Analyze the SARIF file in Visual Studio Code using the SARIF Viewer extension. The rules tab of the SARIF Viewer gives a breakdown per rule and the number of alerts.
  4. Note down the rule id (of the form cpp/autosar/...) of the rules with a high number of alerts.
  5. Revert the above changes to return to the regular workflow.
  6. Create a CodeQL query suite that excludes the identified rule(s). More information on creating CodeQL query suites can be found at Creating CodeQL query suites. The following is an example for AUTOSAR that excludes the rule cpp/autosar/undocumented-user-defined-type:
    - description: AUTOSAR C++14 Guidelines 19-11 (Customized)
    - import: codeql-suites/autosar-default.qls
      from: autosar-cpp-coding-standards
    - exclude:
         - cpp/autosar/undocumented-user-defined-type
  7. Add the CodeQL query suite to the repository and refer to it in the github/codeql-action/init@v2 step. The following example assumes the CodeQL query suite is stored at .github/code-scanning/autosar.qls:
    - name: CodeQL Initialize
      uses: github/codeql-action/init@v2
         tools: codeql-coding-standards.tar.gz
         queries: cert-default,.github/code-scanning/autosar.qls


CodeQL bundles containing the CodeQL Coding Standards queries



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