A Boot task for generating bookmarklets from ClojureScript namespaces, allowing you to write bookmarklets in ClojureScript! 📖 🔖
Add adzerk/boot-bookmarklet
to your build.boot
dependencies and require/refer in the task:
(set-env! :dependencies '[[adzerk/boot-bookmarklet "X.Y.Z" :scope "test"]])
(require '[adzerk.boot-bookmarklet :refer (bookmarklet external-bookmarklet)])
compiles your ClojureScript into JavaScript and stuffs the code for each namespace into ajavascript:<CODE HERE>
bookmarklet link.bookmarklet
is convenient if your bookmarklet happens to be small enough that the compiled, URL-encoded JavaScript can fit in the bookmarklet link. The character limit for a bookmarklet link varies from browser to browser. -
takes any number of URLs to hosted .js files and generates a bookmarklet link for each file that sources and runs it.Once your code reaches a certain size, you will hit the character limit and your bookmarklet won't work anymore. To get around this, you can host your compiled .js file somewhere (e.g. Dropbox, S3) and use
to generate a small bookmarklet that simply loads the hosted .js file.
The bookmarklet
task takes an (optional) option :ids
which is a set of strings identifying cljs files on the source path:
(deftask build
(bookmarklet :ids #{"lobster"})
This will match a file lobster.cljs
if it exists in the source paths.
When run, this task will compile the namespace of each ClojureScript file into a standalone JavaScript file (compiled with advanced optimizations), read the contents of the file, and generate an HTML file called bookmarklets.html
, containing a bookmarklet link for each ClojureScript file identified in :ids
You can then open target/bookmarklets.html
in your browser and drag the bookmarklet link into your bookmarks.
(deftask build
If no :ids
argument is provided, the bookmarklets
task will generate a bookmarklet for every ClojureScript file found in the source paths. This may be more convenient if you want to create a project that is just a collection of bookmarklets, and you want bookmarklets
to generate a single HTML page containing a bookmarklet link for each ClojureScript namespace.
You can, of course, also run the bookmarklet
task from the command-line:
boot bookmarklet -i foo -i bar target
In order to use external-bookmarklet
, your bookmarklet code must already be compiled to JavaScript and hosted somewhere. Once you have the URL to your hosted .js file, you can provide it to external-bookmarklet
via the -u/--urls
option, and it will generate a bookmarklets.html
file containing a bookmarklet link which, when clicked, will fetch and run your hosted .js file in the context of the current page.
boot external-bookmarklet -u http://path.to/my/hosted.js
(deftask link
(external-bookmarklet :urls #{"http://path.to/my/hosted.js"}))
If you provide multiple URLs, the generated HTML file will contain one bookmarklet link per .js file.
TODO: example build task that watches for changes, updates the hosted.js, and generates bookmarklets.html with an external bookmarklet
The simplest of ClojureScript bookmarklets might look something like this:
(ns example.bookmarklet)
(js/alert "o hai!")
A more complex example project is in the works. Stay tuned!
There are probably all kinds of ways boot-bookmarklet
could be improved. Pull Requests welcome!
Copyright © 2016 Adzerk
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.