I built Vapour in collaboration with 4 other Codeworks students.
We have successfully built and deployed a completed gaming platform within 2 weeks.
Check out thr production version of the app at: https://whispering-ocean-93586.herokuapp.com/
My contribution included:
- designing and building a non-relational database structure in Mongo,
- developing a private chat and a forum using socket.io,
- co-developing a face-recognition component based on an AI npm package - face-api.js,
- re-designing state management using Redux
- lastly, but most importantly - creating a game of Snake in Vanilla JS and HTML (by far the most fun :) )
The tech stach for the project included:
Passport.js, Node.js, socket.io, React, Redux, HTML & CSS, Phaser, face-api.js, Express, Mongo, Mongoose
- David Beale
- Joseph Toletino Cayamanda
- Vic Williams
- Mooness Davarian