HeraPy is a Python package for AERGO that provides the features below.
- Communication with AERGO node
- Getting AERGO blockchain information
- Creating/Exporting/Importing an account
- Making and sending a transaction
- Deploying/Calling/Querying a smart contract
- Querying and prooving contract/account states
Install the latest version in the Python Package Index
pip install aergo-herapy
or, install locally
git clone [email protected]:aergoio/herapy.git cd herapy make install
After installing aergo-herapy, you can run examples
make ex
The examples in the 'examples' directory connect the public Aergo testnet.
Download HeraPy from this repository
git clone [email protected]:aergoio/herapy.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
But, we recommend to use a virtual environment below.
Using Pipenv, all dependencies will be installed automatically.
pipenv shell
If you cleaned up and setup again,
pipenv install
If you want to test or contribute, then do not forget '--dev' option
pipenv install --dev make test
If need to upgrade a protocol,
make protoc
After this command, all protocol related source files will be generated if it's different.
If need to upgrade Aergo Configurations,
make aergo-types
After this command, 'aergo/herapy/obj/aergo_conf.py' will be generated if it's different.
If occur the error message below
, find the source code 'aergo/config/types.go' and make this file path as an environment variable of 'AERGO_TYPES_SRC'
export AERGO_TYPES_SRC=`find ~ -path '*/aergo/config/types.go' 2>/dev/null` make aergo-types
HeraPy follows a major release cycle of AERGO. A minor release such as fixing bugs and errors are occasionally patched. Please let us know if you encounter a bug by filling an issue.
If you are planning to contribute a new feature, class, or function, please open an issue and discuss with us.
We appreciate all contributions.
HeraPy is MIT license as found in the LICENSE file.
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.