XFCE Desktop Customization
Info | Value |
OS | Arch Linux |
Desktop Environtment | XFCE |
Device Host | X456URK |
Shell | Zsh, Bash |
DM | LightDM |
Icons | Papirus |
Font | Roboto, JetBrains Nerd Font |
Terminal | Xfce4-terminal |
Text Editor | Visual Studio Code |
yay -S xfce4-docklike-plugin xdg-user-dirs menulibre ulauncher mugshot lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings noto-fonts-cjk ttf-apple-emoji ttf-roboto noto-fonts-emoji-flags zsh ncdu vizex
All this will be installed with install_themes.sh
- Lim-Blue (a fork with xfwm support from the darkomarko42/Lim-Blue theme)
- oh-my-zsh powered by robbyrussell
- Autosugestions Powered by zsh-autosuggestions
- Spaceship-zsh-theme Powered by Spaceship-zsh-theme
- zsh-syntax-highlighgting powered by zsh-user
First, make sure you have all the dependencies. Then, run setup.sh
script and pay attention to the output (you can execute it as root with sudo
to install the icon and themes for all users, but I don't recommend this since Papirus icon theme will be patched).
NOTE: These scripts will override the following configuration files. Thus, you may want to save backups of those files and take notes of your actually setup if you care about them.
(a backup file will be created if exists and it will be saved as.profile~
)- Configuration files placed in
about thunar, xfce4-notifyd, xfce4-panel, xfce4-session, xfce4-power-manager, xfwm4 and xsettings. /etc/litghtdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf
if you setLIGHTDM=yes
(a backup file will be created if the file already exists)
Inside configure-xfce4.sh
there is some variables you can change to avoid or activate some tweaks:
- SESSION (default: yes) hides hibernate option in the log out menu
- XFWM4 (default: yes) sets the layout of the buttons as
(hide, maximimize/minimize and close in the right, and options in left side of the window title bar). Also, make the windows open in the center of the screen. - NOTIFICATIONS (default: yes) sets the theme of the notifications the same as the current theme and place them at the bottom right side of the screen.
- THUNAR (default: yes) sets the style of the location bar and make the size of the icons in the sidebar smaller (16px).
- FONTS (default: yes) changes the default fonts of the system and sets tweaks for a better look in Arch Linux, at least.
- PANEL (default: yes) is the most important variable because it customizes the panel placing the plugins and setting their configurations.
- KEYBINDINGS (default: no) opens Xfwm settings and xfce4 keyboard settings to let you set your keybindings.
- BACKGROUNDS (default: no) copies all the backgrounds located in
folder. - LIGHTDM (default: no) require running the script as root with
to copy the lightdm-gtk-greeter configuration in order to set the Lim-Blue theme and Papirus icons (they require to be installed globally) and lightdm panel layout. The default background is set as/usr/share/background/current
(you may have to change it usinglightdm-gtk-greeter-settings
application). A backup file will be created if the file already exists.