Version 1.1.443
Beetle is a daemon that provides the interface between the Linux “BlueZ” Bluetooth® package and the Afero Hub Software.
The Afero Hub Software provides connectivity between Afero ASR-1s and the Afero Cloud. Beetle provides a standard interface for the Afero Hub Software to communicate with the Linux Bluetooth stack.
Beetle is released under The MIT License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms and conditions.
This software has been tested on a Raspberry Pi® 3 and a Raspberry Pi Zero W, and should work on any model and revision of Pi hardware with appropriate USB BT and Wifi adapters.. Please see the Afero Developer Documentation for important information on supported Operating System limitations. Future releases of Beetle will provide support for other similar hardware architectures.
beetle is a very straightforward daemon with few build requirements.
To build beetle on a Raspberry Pi, you will need to install the libbluetooth-dev package to install the required C headers. Run "sudo apt-get install libbluetooth-dev" and install that package and it's dependencies.
To compile, simply run "make". To install beetle to your system, run "sudo make install".
For questions or assistance with beetle, please visit the Afero Developer Forums.
Copyright Afero, Inc. 2017